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29th April 2018, 21:32
Hi, Rusty!
It is cold and windy here...and very dark.......
The dog has just been out in the garden......
I've just taken a look at Jack's trousers!
I hadn't noticed the!
Yes, this is fashionable!
Ladies' designer jeans "with rips" are quite expensive!
Again, the judges on BGT wore different clothes - and Amanda and Alesha different hair styles - during the programme!
And sometimes the same people seem to be in the audience each week?
20751 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th April 2018, 22:07
Hello Elle and Rusty!

Sorry about being silent over the past few days - did not have
anything of interest to say really! Perhaps except for the fact that,
yes, I did have a look on youtube yesterday for Jack and Dad after
I saw your comments - and yes, they are great, Jack does have
a nice voice on him; wonder if, in future years, he will not 'go it alone'
as his personality develops further.
Good to see a special father and son relationship though.

Snap on heating Elle - had one of my heaters on low for a couple
of hours both last night and tonight. Stupidly, last night we had
a real thunderstorm! even though the weather had been cold!
I was not happy, and two cats were glued to me in bed, so I could
hardly move!

It has rained more or less all day today, temps not over 10c and
going down to 4C tonight! We are going backwards- Not a good
weather for Lilly of the Valley day on Tuesday 1st May (which is
also Labour Day of course).

Funnily enough, I was a little bored this afternoon, so listen on
youtube to various compilations of either BGT or the American
version - never thought of listening to any of the French ones yet!
Strange, no?

Hope you are both well, (I think you are since I keep an eye on
you both via the PCT thread - as other people do...

20752 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th April 2018, 22:16
Hello, Elle!
Looks as if you are in for a chilly couple of days!
I hope Jack gets a proper pair of trousers for the live show.
I am not keen on the "tattery trousers" look!
But the performance more than made up for that.
You just never know what will walk on to the stage.
That's what I love about BGT!
I have not noticed the same folk in the audience, though.
But Amanda and Alesha do change their outfits, and I think there may be more than one venue for each episode, until they go "live".
I like the looks of bafflement on the judges faces when some of the rubbish acts are on.
Great fun!
20753 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 06:55
Good morning, Pigale!
Nice to hear from you!
Glad you are fine.
A lovely morning here but cool!
Young Jack may go on his own eventually, I think.
He has a certain charm, too.
Think Alesha took to him!
Him and Dad have a great relationship.
I have not tried France's Got Talent yet.
Must investigate!
20754 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 10:20
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a very wet and extremely cold morning here!
I am just home from my walk.
Padded waterproof coat, scarf and gloves, plus wellies, needed.
Everyone doing his/ her personal imitation of Michelin man.
I am glad to be home and having a hot drink.
I had planned to go shopping in Bromley........but shall put that idea on hold.
I'm not going out in the torrential rain again!
How about you?
Any plans for the day?

Hello, Pigale!
It is good to hear that you are all right.
I hope for your sake that you are having warmer weather than I am!
I'm glad you liked Dad and Jack!
It will be interesting to see how they do in their next performance.
20755 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 10:36
Good morning, Elle!
A pity about your weather.
But it will pick up in a day or two!
No, leave the shopping for another day.
It is a beautiful day here on Tayside.
Shirt sleeve weather in fact.
Hope it lasts!
No plans today.
I have some forms to fill in and post, that's all.
And a bit of a walk in the "arvo", as the Aussies would say!
A good puzzle today to start the week off.
24a is a new word for me.
And 3d took me a while until I investigated the meaning of "ordinary"!
20756 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 11:24
Hi, Rusty!
It seems ludicrous that you are in shirt sleeves, and we are all back in our winter woollies!
I do not like the heat......but this is tipping the scales too far the other way!
I had converted to Summer gear!
I have 'almost' finished the 15 x15 crossword.
Two I cannot as yet do, and another one I cannot parse.
19a : "azimuth" is a new word for me.
And I had to look up 6d:"chorizo".
I shall put the puzzle to one side for a while.......
Inspiration may strike me in time......
20757 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 11:54
Hello, Elle!
Getting a wee bit cloudy now!
I do not like the heat, too.
I knew the word "azimuth" but not what it meant.
I knew "chorizo" and occasionally buy it.
I thought it was quite a tricky puzzle for a Monday.
But I much prefer the tricky ones!
20758 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 13:55
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Ah...but "tricky" for you means 'more of a challenge', whereas for me, it means well nigh impossible!
I am improving, but at a very slow rate!
( I like the Everyman better)
Now..... 2d: One blocking post kind about women's hearts (9)
I have JOB?W?R?H.
Maybe "jobsworth"?
'job - post' is all I can offer?
I cannot see the definition nor much else?
And I still cannot parse 5d: See old characters are finally used for screen entertainment (5,4)
"video game" fits the crossers, and the definition must be "screen entertainment"....
But can you explain the rest, please?
That is it for today!
Ugh, still raining heavily......
20759 of 30765  -   Report This Post


30th April 2018, 14:21
Good afternoon, Elle.
Great day here!
2d is a bit of a mixture!
Post is a "job",
Kind is a "sort", about "w"
Women's is "w"
Hearts at cards is "H".
5d, Video game.
"Vide" means see, in Latin (I think!)
The old characters are "ogam" (have you heard of them?)
Ar"e" finally.
So now, what do you think?
I am jist off for a dander to the post box to post my forms.
All go up here!
20760 of 30765  -   Report This Post