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25th April 2018, 22:44
Hello, Elle,
I think the vast majority of books are changed for the film.
Not really sure why.
But it happens!
And are you going to buy the book now?
20701 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th April 2018, 23:01
Hi, Rusty!
I really detest this practice of changing details, especially ruining endings, of a book to create a film with supposedly more "box-office" appeal.
No, now that I have read all about how the plot was changed... a good "classic" story ruined in my view.....I shall not bother to re-read the book.
I have been reminded of the theme and the correct ending now.
I wonder why ever the screenwriter should think that he /she can do a better job than Agatha Christie?
I think the alterations in such instances rarely (if ever?) enhance the original story?
I need a strong coffee.......
20702 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2018, 06:03
Good morning, Elle!
Looks a fine day outside.
Lots of folk who watch a film will not have read the book so will be quite happy with the plot etc.
I think when they made "South Pacific", the author of "Tales of the South Pacific", James Michener, was brought in to help with the screenplay, in effect changing his own book to suit the film.
It was a very successful film.
I hope this fine weather holds!
20703 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2018, 09:36
Good morning, Rusty!
It is a sunny day here, but cold!
I have been out for my walk, and am now home again , this time with TWO dogs!
We are looking after friends' dog for the day, as they are attending a funeral out in Essex.
The dog is very elderly and arthritic and will need to be helped up the terrace steps to the garden, but she is well used to us so she will be quite happy .
I have a friend arriving later for lunch.
As you know, Thursday is normally "Ladies who Lunch" day ..........but today I am cooking lunch at home, because of the "dog-sitting"!
Right , time for a quick coffee.....
Are you doing anything in particular today?
20704 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2018, 10:12
Hello, Elle!
Lovely morning here, now.
I hope your lunch goes well!
And the doggie sitting!
I have no plans today.
Finished the puzzle.
More new words and meanings for me!
These setters are determined to educate us...well, me anyway!
20705 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2018, 10:19
Update, Elle!
I am getting ads on the right hand side of the page.
I do not mind that, really.
But one of them is for "Harry's Razors", and in the ad the word "expensiver" is used.
I have not came across "expensiver" before and it is not in my Chambers.
Have you came across it?
Maybe American?
20706 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2018, 10:48
Hi, Rusty!
I haven't got beyond the top left hand corner of the puzzle as yet....
"Saddhu" is a new word for me but easy enough to get!
I shall have to put the crossword on hold till later, as my friend will be arriving in about five minutes.
No, I agree with you....I don't think there is such a word as "expensiver"......
The comparative should be "more expensive"....and the superlative is "most expensive".
Peace is reigning husband and the two dogs have fallen asleep.....
The cat, though, is on vigilante duty.......just in case the 'alien' dog moves!
I shan't get the chance to use the computer again till around teatime, when my friend leaves.............
Catch up with you then!
20707 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2018, 16:45
Good afternoon, Rusty!
What a strange day we have had weatherwise.......lots of beautiful sunshine intermingled with very heavy rain showers.
My friend has just left for home......hopefully she will just manage to avoid the worst of the rush hour traffic.
Lunch ( although I say it myself) was very good!
And it made a nice change to stay in, and chat, rather than head out for a restaurant.
We still have our canine visitor - she is being very good!
She seems very relaxed...and sleeps a lot , but we have been out in the garden and she 's enjoyed a wander round.
I don't think her owners will get back before about 6 or 7pm.
I shall give both dogs their "dinner" very shortly.
How has your day been?
Is your son coming as usual to see you this evening?
20708 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2018, 19:59
Good evening, Elle!
Been lovely weather here!
Did your friend get home OK?
I have had a fine day.
My son was here and has just gone home.
Had a nice chat, with the golf from St Louis on in the background.
20709 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2018, 20:41
Hi, Rusty!
That's good you had a great time with your son.....chatting in person is good.
Yes, my friend arrived home okay...she did get caught up in some traffic, but texted me eventually to say she was back safely.
And the dog's owners arrived to collect her about 6.15 didn't too badly.
The cat has come off duty now, and is relaxing on the sofa!
BB had a mishap at school and ended up in A & E, with slight damage to his eye.
Fortunately, just a slight scratch on the eyeball, which prompt treatment of antibiotics will assuage.
There will luckily be no lasting effects, which is a great relief to us all, as you can imagine.
Are you still watching golf?
20710 of 30765  -   Report This Post