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24th April 2018, 12:31
Hello, Pigale!
I have only just come back to the computer...I am sorry but have only just seen your post.
I typed "Loch of the Lowes mute swans" in Google and got this, Pigale
I hope it works....good pictures.
I have never seen cygnets hatch, but met several "babies" when I was walking by the Serpentine.... they walked across to my feet!
No fear at all......
20681 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 12:46
Hello Elle!

I hope they will keep showing pictures when the young cygnets

The other link also shows another picture of the nest with 4 eggs,
and perhaps the father laying nearby. I presume that if it were
the mother, she would be incubating her eggs?
Aren't they beautiful, elegant birds! but quiet fierce I gather?
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24th April 2018, 13:01
Hi, Pigale!
I think mute swans can become aggressive when defending their nests, and then have been known to attack people using the river, like anglers or rowers.
But for most of the time, they are fine......
Swans that are used to people being about seem to be quite happy in human company.

20683 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 13:12
Hi, Rusty!
Are you still busy doing your chores?
It occurred to me to wonder whether there might be some deterrent in place to stop people moving to Scotland purely to avail themselves of the free Uni tuition offered to Scottish residents......
( As I said before in my previous post, this doesn't seem right....)
And yes, it seems that one has to live there for at least three years, prior to applying for a Scottish University place.
Perhaps not long enough, though?
I've had a busy peaceful day is not working out as I'd planned!
I haven't even glimpsed a crossword yet!
20684 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 13:35
Hello, Elle!
Yes, home for the day now.
Regarding the free Uni places.
I have no idea how it works, or how you qualify.
All I know on a personal level, is I had four grandchildren at Scottish Unis.
I do not think any of them paid.
There seems to be a lot more folk going to Uni these days, though.
Quite a lot of the part time ASDA staff are at local Unis.
And they are not all Scots.
But I have no idea how it is paid for.
My puzzle is finished.
Not too hard today!
20685 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 15:00
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, it is good that you have done all your chores, and can now relax!
We are just taking the rubbish to the tip.........and then the dog to the park.
I may get the chance to do my crossword when I return!
It has been one of those days when "The best laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley"
Back in a while!
20686 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 19:44
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, chores done.
Good to get them out of the way!
Good luck with your puzzle!
20687 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 21:10
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, a good puzzle.......but I think my brain winds down as the day progresses!
I liked 1a: carbon dating and 8d: deploy.
There were three words that were new to me.......nestorian; sanbenito; and pietistic.
I thought the homophone in 7d: Robinson Crusoe quite good.
And I liked the double definition in 17a!
But the puzzle took me quite a while to complete.
My day was all at sixes and sevens... nothing went according to plan!
20688 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 22:02
Hello, Elle!
I knew "sanbenito"!
I have read about the prisoners wearing them on their way to the auto-da-fe in Spain
I have seen "nestorian" before, but had no idea what it meant.
I like the puzzles that take a wee while to do.
Was raining here earlier!
20689 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 22:41
Hi, Rusty!
"Stot" was a new word for me, too, although very easy to get .
It is raining here, too - quite heavily at the moment!
It also feels comparatively chilly, compared to the previous high temperatures.
I can see us having to go back to wearing our winter woollies if this keeps up!
I thought I had dispensed with sweaters and padded jackets!
I wish the tennis and athletics events would start.....
I am feeling starved of sport that I enjoy........
20690 of 30765  -   Report This Post