Hi, Rusty!
Well, now that's what comes of my trying to be clever........you missed it!
Yes, I finished the puzzle early this morning.....
You mentioned you were going just to "chillax", which was the answer to 21d........
I replied using other answers....."impetus" 7d........."splash out" 10a........
"amphora" 23a.......... "rose- water" 3d...and lastly "man-eater" 28a!
I didn't think I did badly just off the cuff ?
I had thought you would 'get' it!
I have had visitors this morning.
The daughter and son-in -law of our friend and ex -neighbour on our other side (not from the house that is giving us all the potential problems ) popped in.
They are considering selling their house to the neighbour on their other side who wants it for his daughter to live in.
This would be a good thing for us!
Better the devil you know and all that .....