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22nd April 2018, 20:42
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it was my cousin's turn to phone!
All is well with the family up there in the North......although my cousin cannot drive for six weeks after the operation on her hand.
And they have not been experiencing our good weather.
It has been quite chilly and damp.
I was reading, though, that there might be more snow coming across the UK?
And I thought Summer had arrived!
I shall check out the book by Kathrine.... it sounds as though it would be interesting.
20661 of 30765  -   Report This Post


22nd April 2018, 21:45
Hello, Elle!
No snow forecast for here.
Next week will be fine weather, they say.
That's good your kin in the North are fine!
I did not know that Kathrine had won the New York City Marathon?
I did not realise she was as good as that!
Her book sounds great.
If you got it on Amazon it would probably have to come from America.
I have had a few from there.
Takes about three weeks.
20662 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 10:10
Good morning, Rusty!
A lovely morning here........but much cooler.
It was 11C when I went out with the dog...but it made for a pleasanter brisker walk.
We walked further and enjoyed the exercise more.
I have a list of jobs to do this morning....most of them indoor tasks.
Plus some letters to write.
What are you up to today?
20663 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 11:29
Good morning, Elle!
A fine day here!
I was out for a walk earlier, and no plans for the rest of the day.
Just chillaxing!
20664 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 11:42
Hi, Rusty!
I have arranged my flowers on which I had an impetus to splash out in an amphora.........
They smell of rose-water.....
I wondered whether to mention that I have a man -eater lying on the rug, but decided that was going too far!
20665 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 12:49
Hello, Elle!
That is a rather cryptic post!
I have finished my puzzle.
New words, or words I do not know the meaning of, are 20a, 29a, 17d, and 22d.
A good puzzle today!
Have you tried it yet?
Still a fine day here.
20666 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 13:18
Hi, Rusty!
Well, now that's what comes of my trying to be missed it!
Yes, I finished the puzzle early this morning.....
You mentioned you were going just to "chillax", which was the answer to 21d........
I replied using other answers....."impetus" 7d........."splash out" 10a........
"amphora" 23a.......... "rose- water" 3d...and lastly "man-eater" 28a!
I didn't think I did badly just off the cuff ?
I had thought you would 'get' it!
I have had visitors this morning.
The daughter and son-in -law of our friend and ex -neighbour on our other side (not from the house that is giving us all the potential problems ) popped in.
They are considering selling their house to the neighbour on their other side who wants it for his daughter to live in.
This would be a good thing for us!
Better the devil you know and all that .....
20667 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 15:28
Hello, Elle!
Of course I twigged your answers!
Well done!
Yes, that potential move sounds fine.
Best with neighbours that you know, if possible.
Still a fine afternoon here!
20668 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 17:04
Hi, Rusty!
Still a lovely day here, too.........
We have just come home from the park.
It is slightly warmer this afternoon.
What a terrible shame that a competitor died during the London Marathon......I was reading about it in the News.
He was only 29, and running in aid of a charity.
Sadly, deaths are not uncommon during and after this event.
The heat was perhaps/probably a contributing factor?
How is Miss L-B getting on with her new car?
20669 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 17:36
Hello, Elle!
Yes, a great pity the competitor died.
These things happen, thankfully rarely.
I would think the heat would have been a contributory factor.
Even Mary Keitany was in a bit of a state at the finish.
Miss La Bamba is getting on great with the new car.
She loves it!
20670 of 30765  -   Report This Post