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19th April 2018, 21:01
Good evening, Elle!
The Sicilian crepes sound delicious!
I would like them, I think!
Turunesh Dibaba is running, so is Mare Dibaba.
But, was Paula's record paced by men?
I can not remember.
I imagine she will be helping Steve Cram with the commentary on Sunday.
My son was quite a bit later this evening.
He was taking Miss La Bamba to the garage to collect her new car.
But, she did not get it.
Problem on the garage side, with incomplete paperwork.
Hopefully she can collect it tomorrow.
Miss O will go with her then!
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19th April 2018, 21:52
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I think you would definitely like the crepes.... maybe the Pine Cone serves a similar dish, and you can try them there?
What make of car has Miss L-B bought?
Is it the same as her previous car? Or has she gone for something completely different?
(Is it too feministic to ask what colour?!)
I cannot place Mare Dibaba?
I don't think she is related to Tirunesh and Genzebe, though, is she?
I think there IS a third sister, but her name escapes me?
Today is supposed to be the hottest day in April in the UK since 1949!
It is still incredibly warm here...and we have all the windows open.

Quite so, is this fear that, without planning permission being needed, the work could go ahead without our being given chance to discuss the disadvantages, that is worrying us all.
A good point about the local councillor.
20612 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2018, 22:26
Hello, Elle!
Miss La Bamba is buying a grey Ford Fiesta.
I have not seen it as it is still in the showroom.
Mare Dibaba is not related to the other two, no.
Yes, it is warm.
At Cheltenham races today, one of the races was abandoned because of the heat.
It was a long distance race and with the heat, the stewards decided it was not fair on the horses.
I do not remember that happening before.
20613 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th April 2018, 07:27
Osprey update!
A third egg at the loch!
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20th April 2018, 10:21
Good morning, Rusty!
We have yet another beautiful day....we are indeed fortunate.
19C now...and set to reach 25C by mid afternoon.
So far, Sunday's temperatures are meant to be somewhat lower...only reaching a high of 20C by midday , which, if that does come to pass, should be better news for the Marathon runners.
We have a leisurely day ahead...I may even manage a crossword!
I have done very few this week, what with one thing and another......
What are you up to today?
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20th April 2018, 11:04
Good morning, Elle!
It is quite warm here, too.
I have washed several windows!
So that is my chores done for the day.
I have done my puzzle, too.
Another good one.
7d and 8d are new words for me, and 21a.
No plans for the remains of the day.
Will keep myself ready in case Miss La Bamba needs a lift to the showroom.
But I think her Mum and Dad, and/or Miss O, will be more likely to get the call!
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20th April 2018, 12:09
Hi, Rusty!
Well done on washing your windows!
Do you have to do both inside and out?
We only clean ours inside........the window cleaner does the outside ones, as neither of us has ever been willing to climb ladders!
I have struggled through my puzzle ......two I cannot do, and one I cannot parse.
7d: A?O?LIN?R?S (11)
nil - nothing (reversed)
but cannot do any more?
26A: S?E?T / ?U?I? (26)
My mind is blank!
"Roesti" in 8d is a new word for me, but easy enough to get.
I didn't think that "pepperoni" in 16d was spelt with only one "p", but Chambers gives a choice
And I don't understand 21d?
I have "petit" for small, - I queried the spelling, as it doesn't say it is French, but again Chambers gives it.
Okay, "pet" for "cat or "dog" - but why "it "please?
I expect I am being dense - maybe the heat is addling my brain!!
20617 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th April 2018, 12:54
Hello, Elle!
Just the outsides of the windows.
19, A star is "a Polaris", with "nil" reversed inside.
"Apollinaris" is the fizzy water.
For 26, I have "sheet music", printed notes for performers.
Now 21, cat or dog is "pet"
I think in some childrens games '"it" is the young one selected to be the "chaser"?
This is just my take on it, may be wrong!
Giving "petit" for small.
20618 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th April 2018, 14:23
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for your help!
I have never heard of "apollinaris"!
I wonder can I throw that into the conversation....?
Ah, yes, I remember being "it"!
I especially liked 17a: missionaries
And I enjoyed the reference to Rider Haggard's "She", in 20a:perishes.
Goodness , it really is hot this afternoon!
We had intended to go out for walk, but I think it will be too much for the dog.....
She doesn't accept the heat limitations, and will still charge about.
I think this is an afternoon for the the shade under a tree!
Any word from Miss L-B?
20619 of 30765  -   Report This Post


20th April 2018, 14:41
Hello, Elle!
Me too!
Apollinaris is in Chambers, and Anne B has it under "water", but it is new to me!
"It" was part of a nice simple clue!
I thought you may remember being "it".
Up here it was usually "out", the children said.
I thought of "She" as soon as I saw "Haggard"!
And "peris" I came across years ago as Persian fairies.
Turned a bit cloudy here.
No word from La Bamba, yet.
I may be driven to Pine Cone in fine style on Sunday, but that would mean missing part of the marathon.
But, granddaughters come first, I am sure they would tell me!!
20620 of 30765  -   Report This Post