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23rd April 2018, 19:04
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, 26 miles is a taxing distance......
I feel sure I ought to know why a "marathon" is this particular distance?
There must be some history behind it.....
Do you know?
My younger daughter takes part regularly in the "Race for Life" charity runs.
She and BB (he is six) are running together for the next local "Cancer Research: UK".
I think it is in June ...or maybe July.
20671 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd April 2018, 19:32
Hello, Elle!
Was it not to do with an old Greek war?
Marathon was a place, I think?
Somebody ran to it to tell news of a battle, I think?
Just a vague memory of it, Elle.
Have a look on YouTube?
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23rd April 2018, 20:39
Hi, Rusty!
Right.......this (briefly) is what I have found out on Google......
The Marathon race gets its name from the legend of the Greek messenger, Pheidippides, who ran approximately 25 miles from the city of Marathon all the way to Athens to deliver the message that the Greeks were victorious against the Persians in the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC
As to why the distance is now 26.2 miles for a marathon........apparently Queen Alexandra asked that the race begin on the lawn of Windsor Castle and finish before the Royal Box at the Olympic stadium—a distance that happened to be 26.2 miles!
I cannot vouch for the authenticity of this info ---- but this is what Google tells me!
20673 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 06:20
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here!
Yes, I remember hearing a bit about the the battle and the lad running a long way to pass on the news.
I have not heard of Queen Alexandra and the marathon, though!
Always learning!
I have one or two chores to do today, so no puzzle until later in the day.
All seems fine at the loch!
20674 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
We had a few spots of rain earlier, but it is dry now....cloudy though, and I think rain is forecast for later.
There is another candidate in the park for Aberfeldy!
It is apparently just a coincidence......
The main attraction in heading for Scotland seems to be the schooling.........and free University places.
Our Scottish branch of the family, of course, have that advantage.
I have seen Lassie sitting on her sign of Laddie.
There is an interesting update, and a photo on the Blog, from Jennifer, a Species Protection Officer.
20675 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 11:17
Good morning Elle and Rusty,

Nice sunny day here, just a few light white clouds, and temps
in keeping with the season.

I've received a Tweet from RSPB, have you seen this?

#lovenaturelovelowes #spring

Hope it works - I wish there was a camera there too, it would be
lovely to see the cygnets when they hatch! I have never seen one.
20676 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 11:18
PS - does not seem to work - perhaps if you type it in search box?
Wonder if https should be added in front?
20677 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 11:30

does this work ?
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24th April 2018, 11:51
Why is it that I knew YOU would answer my post?

Yes, it works - thank you JG
20679 of 30765  -   Report This Post


24th April 2018, 11:55
I don't know pigale. My first and last post on forum today .....too busy here :)
20680 of 30765  -   Report This Post