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20th April 2018, 15:35
Hi, Rusty!
Funnily enough, when in the park this morning, we were talking of playing children's games in our distant pasts.....
"Queenio, Queenio , who's got the ball?"..... and "What's the Time , Mister Wolf?"
We used to play out in the street....
Oh, we all waxed quite nostalgic!
Did you play these games when you were young?
The young ones of today would probably think we were all mad!
Could you not record the London Marathon, if you are out with your granddaughters on Sunday morning?
I am hopefully working on a very early dog walk...... and then back for about 9.30am before it all really kicks off......
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20th April 2018, 17:24
Hello, Elle!
I do remember some games.
Not "Queenio" though?
There has been nothing decided about Pine Cone/Sunday, or proposed, even.
Will await a message from La Bamba telling me she has her new car.
I thought I would watch BGT, then the marathon, but I'll see what these girls reckon!
I'll have to find out the start times.
I'll see if Steve Cram or Paula are on Twitter, I think.
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20th April 2018, 17:27
I used to play "What's the time Mr Wolf" with my grandchildren and sometimes still do! Also Grandmother's footsteps.
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20th April 2018, 18:57
Hi, Rusty!
This is the programme for Sunday.....
I hope this will be of some help.
It should work out fine for me......unless, like you, the family have other ideas!
I doubt our daughter will want to come over here on Sunday morning though...the roads will either be blocked with traffic......or closed.
Maybe we shall all meet up tomorrow......we haven't discussed the weekend as yet.
Did Miss L-B get her car?

Hello, Ros!
It is good to know that some of these old games are still going!
It is an age since I even thought about our "playing out" as children.....
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20th April 2018, 20:07
Good evening, Elle!
Lovely evening here!
I have the start times written down, now.
Steve Cram last posted on Twitter in November, so he's no good.
I will stick with Paula, who tweets regularly, and the London Marathon tweets.
I had a look on Paddy P's site and they have shortened up Mo's odds from 14/1 to 9/1.
A little bird tells me La Bamba has collected her car.
Not heard from her, though.
But, Miss ATW texted inviting me for a coffee tomorrow morning!
Be the first I will have seen of her since Australia.
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20th April 2018, 20:18


20th April 2018, 20:46
I taught them hopscotch and Jacks as well, also called fivestones I think
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20th April 2018, 22:33
Hi, Rusty!
Oops......., I just awoke to find my book on the floor!
Paddy P must have been reading about Mo's intention to be at least in the first three.....and altered its stakes accordingly!!
It was as well that you placed your bet when you did!
Earlier today, I read an interesting article about Mo - and his training and hopes for the future - written by his coach, Gary Lough, Paula's husband
Yes, that is a great story about Kathrine Switzer!
Good for her!
You will be looking forward to seeing Miss ATW tomorrow morning, then, especially if you haven't see her since her return from Adelaide.
Are you going to her flat for coffee?
I expect she will have a lot of photos to show you.
I think I need a coffee myself....right now!

Hello, Ros!
Yes, I remember playing hopscotch.....on the pavement.... and in the school yard!
And of course , jacks and bobbers.....
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20th April 2018, 22:55
Hello, Elle!
I hope to see Kathrine Switzer on Sunday, no 261.
Same number she had in Boston all those years ago!
I have read she is the official starter, too?
Elsewhere, I read that it is the Queen?
I'm sure Steve Cram will keep us right!
I think Miss ATW and me will be going to Pine Cone.
All quiet on the Miss La Bamba front!
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20th April 2018, 23:11
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it will indeed be interesting to see Kathrine Switzer on Sunday.........
She is some game lady still to be taking part in Marathons at her age!
Now I understood that the Queen will start proceedings from the grounds of Windsor Castle......
I think last year Princes William and Harry started the event (or am I misremembering there?)
Well, it will be a nice drive out to the Pine Cone, if the weather is as its been for last few days.....
And you may get to go again on Sunday (maybe in Miss L-B's new car?)
My coffee has perked me up.....
20630 of 30765  -   Report This Post