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27th March 2018, 22:42
Hello, Elle!
Well done with the car!
I would plug the charger in to the Hudl, anyway.
Try holding the start button down until the Android man appears.
If that does not work, hold the start button and volume control button down together, and you should get a "recovery menu".
If that does not work phone these folk.
20091 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2018, 10:17
Good morning, Rusty!
Fell dreich this morning!
It was a good job I went out in raincoat and wellies!
I hope it is better up your way?
Thank you for the info about the Hudl.
I left it charging again overnight, but I am doubting I shall get any response........
However, I shall go and try very shortly - after I have done one or two chores.
And if the screen is still black, I will ring the number you gave me.
I shall report back.....
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28th March 2018, 10:56
Good morning, Elle!
A dry cloudy morning here.
I am just home from surgery.
Nurse wanted bloods from me pending my MOT.
Hope you get a result with Hudl.
Hold the button/s down for around twenty seconds and something should happen.
If you phone the Tesco helpline, tell them it is a "Hudl 2" you have.
Good luck!
I was reading earlier about the "giant" wildcat discovered up in Aberdeenshire.
Estimated length is 4 ft!
Would not like to cross that beast's path!
20093 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2018, 12:00
Hi, Rusty!
Still raining heavily here!
Well, I am not making any progress regarding my Hudl !
It has been plugged in to charge for at least 48 hours.
It shows a green light when plugged in.......thereby presumedly indicating that it is charged...... but the screen remains completely black...... no matter what I press, or for how long a time I press it.
I have phoned the Tesco Technical Support Helpline, and described my problem with the Hudl.
A very pleasant Scottish girl informed me that Tesco no linger offers advice / help about Hudls as the shop does not deal with them any more!
She did throw in, though, that what I described is /was a common problem with Hudls.
She suggested I take the Hudl to an independent computer shop!
I am thinking though that as the Hudl is now three and a bit years old, I might well just buy a new appliance., rather than perhaps waste money on it.......
What do you think?
We had a panther at large in our area several years ago.
It was seen in local woods!
Reports had it as 5 foot long.
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28th March 2018, 12:35
Hello, Elle!
I had an idea that may be Tesco's response.
I still think that the button/s holding down in some combination or other will bear fruit.
If not, and it was my Hudl, I would replace it with some thing similar rather than put it in for assessment and repair.
Curry's is awash with reasonably priced tablets.
Tesco's too, probably, and Argos.
What do your daughters think?
I have never seen a wildcat in the wild and 4ft seems a bit long?
Wonder if it could be another type of cat?
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28th March 2018, 14:08
Hi, Rusty!
Sadly, no amount of pressing /holding down / in whatever combination of buttons and for whatever length of time, will bring forth any response from my seemingly "deceased" tablet!
I have my birthday approaching in a couple of weeks...maybe a new tablet would be a good idea!
I shall investigate possibilities.......
I hope your blood tests will all be satisfactory.
I am away to see the practice nurse, myself, very shortly.
She wishes to assault my left ear again!
I hope this visit will be the last!
20096 of 30765  -   Report This Post


28th March 2018, 17:17
Hello, Elle!
I would keep your Hudl charged and keep trying to make it "go".
I do not think there is much wrong with it.
Look on Curry's site. Plenty tablets there.

I am sure the nurse will find something out of kilter.
The one who will see me is not a favourite of mine!
How did you get on with your ear?
I have been in touch with Cherry at the loch.
She says they can do nothing about the "buffering" that is constantly happening, as it is the "platform" they are using that is at fault.
They are trying to resolve the situation, though.
She says there is no sign of Laddie, so far, but they are looking forward to his arrival!
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28th March 2018, 17:31
Lassie is calling very loudly !
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28th March 2018, 17:37
Hello, Jazzgirl!
Yes, she has been calling for a while now!
Wonder if Laddie is near?
She is standing on the rim of the nest, too, which she does if another bird is coming in to land.
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28th March 2018, 17:37
She almost sounds irate! She must worry;
20100 of 30765  -   Report This Post