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29th March 2018, 13:54
Hi, Rusty!
I have had a vague browse around for a tablet.......but I do not really understand what I am looking at/ or for!
I had thought that a tablet and an ipad were two entirely different things?
I want something cheap and very basic.
Nothing more complicated than was the Hudl.
And I had enough problems with even that sometimes , as you know!
I mainly use my desktop computer, but the tablet did serve a useful purpose at times.
I shall wait to see if the girls decide that my Hudl should be "binned", before I do anything drastic....
And probably I shall take one of them with me, if I do decide to buy anything.
That sounds like a plan?
Yes, it would be nice to have confirmation from the Rangers that this really is Laddie!
Lassie may have found herself an avian toyboy!
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29th March 2018, 15:43
Update, Rusty!
The Rangers quote on their bog......

"Our ospreys have reunited just in time for Easter Weekend!
Last night we saw another male close to the nest and he was present again this morning when LM12 touched down"

So they are of the opinion that this last osprey is definitely "Laddie"!
I think Lassie 's delight is a good indication, too!
20132 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th March 2018, 16:42
Hello, Elle!
I think an iPad belongs to the tablet family?
You will have a good selection of "cheap and basic" models.
Amazon have their own tablets, and operating system, and they are cheap.
My grandchildren all have iPads and think they are great and would not change them.
But they are not "cheap"!
The rangers have confirmed that the osprey with Lassie is indeed Laddie.
No visit from my son this night, they are going to the cinema.
"Tomb Raiders" is showing!
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29th March 2018, 17:35
Hi, Rusty!
You will miss your son's visit...... will he come tomorrow evening instead?
I take it that the film "Tomb Raider" is based on the video game about Lara Croft?
My Goodness, I have been trying to think when I last went to the cinema?
I think it may have been to see "One Day "....or was it "Lovely Bones"?
We're talking about seven or so years ago!
I am not exactly a film buff!
Both films were based on books that I have read - excellent books...... and films!
Or it may possibly be to have seen "The Blind Side".... Sandra Bullock was in that (I like her).
But, no, I think I saw that on the television.
It was a good film.....and I enjoyed it......but when I later read the true story, it differed quite a lot and I found the correlation very disappointing.
Don't forget you still have "La La Land" to watch"!
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29th March 2018, 18:42
Good evening, Elle!
I know nothing about "Tomb Raider" or Lara Croft.
I recognise the names and that's all!
I was last at the cinema about twenty years ago.
"Waking Ned" was the film.
Was about a lad who won the Irish Lotto and immediately dropped dead.
I liked it.
I have "La La Land", and several more programmes saved in my Sky planner thingy, to watch yet.
Will watch a bit of the golf tonight.
I have a wee bet on Lexi Thompson.
This is the tournament where the winner takes a flying leap into Poppie's Pond.
So, I hope Lexi gets wet on Sunday evening!
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29th March 2018, 20:07
Hi, Rusty!
Chris Hughes, one of the Eggheads, was talking only the other day about how long ago it was since he had last gone to the cinema.
I am trying to remember what it was that he had seen.....I think maybe it was "Blazing Saddles"?
That would put it at about forty years ago!
I used to go to the "pictures" sometimes with my daughter, if there was anything we both particularly wanted to see.
I can never get my husband to go to the cinema.......he hates it......although we do go to the theatre fairly often.
We both enjoy that much better.
Our local theatre has some good productions... usually those either on the way in or out of the West End..
Yes, I remember your telling me about Poppie's Pond!
A great tradition!
Speaking of getting is absolutely pouring down here!
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29th March 2018, 20:26
Hello, Elle!
I think the theatre would be better, especially where you live.
There are some good films going about, too.
One of the golfers, Olafia Kristinsdottir, of Iceland, has just had a hole in one.
Her prize for doing so, is two first class tickets to anywhere in the world on an aeroplane.
The sponsor is "Ana", a Japanese airline.
Lexi has not started yet.
Another good puzzle today.
New words for me were, 26a, 8d, 13a, and 19d.
I keep thinking this is Friday, somehow!
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29th March 2018, 21:11
Hi, Rusty!
My Goodness, two air tickets to anywhere in the world.....
Now where would I go under those circumstances.....?
I shall ponder the idea.......
Do you have any idea what you would like to do , given such an option?
Yes, it was a good puzzle!
I did not know "nounal" and "testa".
I especially liked 9a: corrida, and 16d: Humboldt.
I had meant to go back to the crossword though......
I haven't yet parsed 23d: Rising opera company has deserted Latin (5)
I have "Cuban " but can go no further?
And I cannot even produce an answer for 27A: Foreign characters overthrowing country, wasting little time (4)
Where am I going wrong?
What should I be thinking?
20138 of 30765  -   Report This Post


29th March 2018, 21:17
Hi elle
27 the letters are Greek.
I've no idea about "cuban" - which letters are placed?
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29th March 2018, 21:20
Hello, Elle!
I do not think it was much of a prize.
I am quite happy at home.
No need for tickets for me.
23, The opera is "Nabucco".
27, was not keen on it, but the overthrown country is "state", remove "t" for time and reverse gives "etas" which are Greek characters (I hope!)
Other than 27, it was a good puzzle.
20140 of 30765  -   Report This Post