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25th March 2018, 18:43
20051 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2018, 19:20
Hi, Rusty!
It has stayed light this evening until about 7 o'clock!
Good for BST!
It definitely feels as though Spring - if not yet Summer - is with us.
Husband and dog are now back from their latest stint in the garden.......
I think they will be housebound for the remainder of the evening, as it is now suddenly very dark!
How is Miss ATW doing?
She will be in Adelaide at her uncle's by now?
I have done all the crosswords that I intend doing......
So I shall phone my cousin and see how all are faring up north.........
20052 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2018, 19:41
Hello, Elle!
It is still light here.
I have not heard from Miss ATW since Singapore.
I imagine she is fine.
Yes, best see how your cousin is doing.
20053 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2018, 21:06
Hi, Rusty!
All is well with the family up in the North-west!
They have been enjoying the benefits of a lighter evening.
Now, I couldn't parse one of the Everyman clues this morning......when I remembered and looked back at it, the answer was "hidden " in the clue!
Ooops! and I'd really struggled with it!
Today seems to have whizzed by.....I have been busy, but would be hard pressed to account for my actions!
One of "those" days!
I think we might go to Ikea tomorrow......there are one or two items I need to buy.
20054 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th March 2018, 21:28
Good evening, Elle!
All's well in the North!
That's the ticket!
I find taking a break from a clue you are struggling with is a very good idea.
It often jumps out at you when you return to it.
Ikea tomorrow, is it?
Rather you than me!
Do you know what you are buying?
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25th March 2018, 21:59
Hi, Rusty!
I love going to Ikea!
It is a great store, and has some wonderful things!
Their 'Market Place' is like an Aladdin's Cave!
But what I do not like is checking out of the store!
That regrettably seems to take for ever!
One needs a lot of patience....... which I have in short supply for such circumstances!
I can be very patient when teaching or giving tutorials ... but NOT for hanging around in!
Yes, I want to buy some hooks for the bedroom doors.
And possibly some replacement padded seat covers for the dining chairs.
Ikea also has quite a handy restaurant- so maybe lunch, too?
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25th March 2018, 22:43
Hello, Elle!
I shall take your word about Ikea.
I have not been in one, that I can remember.
I think the nearest one to me is at Edinburgh.
I can not be doing with queues, too, so I often strike up a conversation with another queuer, to pass the time.
My sole complaint about Lidl's is queueing at a checkout.
I have no plans tomorrow!

20057 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2018, 10:05
Good morning, Rusty!
A beautiful day here- blue sky and sunshine, and mildish at 8C.
A very enjoyable walk in the park!
I hope you have similar good weather?
I am just grabbing a quick cup of coffee, and eating my apple and cheese, whilst writing this..........
And then we are away to Ikea.
( Wish me luck and patience at the checkout!)
I am hoping for lunch out!
20058 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2018, 11:02
Good morning, Elle!
Great day here!
Shirt sleeves weather!
Too nice a day to be in Ikea!
Wonder if Laddie will arrive today?
20059 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2018, 17:27
Hi, Rusty!
Home again......
Whew, what a day!
Great fun, but very exhausting!
We had a marvellous time looking around Ikea.......especially the Market Hall.
It always has some interesting and attractive items and gadgets....
But we didn't find what we wanted with regard to the hooks.
We refreshed ourselves with scones and cake though!
And bought some ginger thins biscuits!
A visit to BBQ was also carried out, and then we went to Dunelms.
Now I know you know this shop!
This , however, was our first visit to a branch of the chain.
They had some nice things.....I was looking for a new lampshade for our bedroom, but didn't see what I wanted.
And that is my day....
What have you been doing?
20060 of 30765  -   Report This Post