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23rd March 2018, 11:30
Hi, Rusty!
I have done all bar three clues of the crossword....these remain a mystery to me at the moment!
I have, however, parsed all the not a bad morning's effort!
I shall say no more until you have looked at your own puzzle.
Maybe Miss ATW plans to go sightseeing in Sydney before going on to Adelaide?
That sounds like a plan, maybe?
Otherwise, she would surely have opted to fly straight to Adelaide from Singapore?
We have friends live in Brisbane, right above Sydney but just into Queensland.
At least, I think so..... remember my Geography cannot be trusted!
This is surely not the same prescription for your dry eyes, for which you have been waiting for three weeks?
I'd thought that was sorted?
You're having a hard time with prescriptions recently!
Back to some more hoovering......
20001 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 11:56
Hello, Elle!
You have plenty time to complete your puzzle!
Not looked at mine yet.
Yes, this is my original prescription.
It has taken several weeks for them to find it.
Boots managed it, while Lloyds could not!
All fine, now!
I have no idea about Sydney/Adelaide.
I try not to be too intrusive with the young ones.
They have their own lives to lead.
No sign of Laddie today.
Lassie is still moving sticks about!
20002 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 13:35
Hi, Rusty!
Jobs all completed......
I've just been chatting with my daughter who rang me in her lunch hour.
It is good to talk to each other.
You have a great relationship with each of your granddaughters, and also with your whatever you are doing obviously works very well!
They all adore you, which I think is lovely.
I am glad to see Lassie back in the nest.
I was becoming worried that she might be perturbed by Laddie's absence if he is normally the first to arrive.
Let us hope he is there soon.
Cannot the Rangers track his progress?
I managed one more of the clues (7d), when I looked again at the puzzle!
20003 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 14:10
Hello, Elle!
Very nice of your daughter to ring you!
Yes, I get on great with my grandchildren.
Great kids, and I count my blessings for that!
Lassie is fine, and Laddie will not be far away now!
Perfectly normal!
No, there are no electronic tags on the Lowes birds.
So rangers know as much as us about Laddie's progress.
I have finished the puzzle and I thought it was tough today.
I liked 7d!
Couple of new words for me.
And a couple I recognised but had no idea what they meant!
20004 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 15:02
Hi, Rusty!
7d took me a long time to get!
I now have "atilt" = "crooked" (def)
l - law
at it - in the act
The two that I still cannot do are.......
16d: Note interpolated by Flaubert, maybe concerned with taste (9)
26a: Report of shots (15)
I cannot see these at all? is a shame to waste the sunshine!
It is time for another walk.....the dog is already waiting......
20005 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 15:26
Hello, Elle!
Report of shots is "photojournalism".
I had never heard of Flaubert.
But I looked the name up and found the first name was Gustave.
The note is "ti", giving "gustative", which is a word I have seen, and have just the vaguest ideas that it may be to do with eating?
I liked "atilt", a word I have never used.
Yes, it isca lovely afternoon here too and I shall take myself off for a dander, too.
20006 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 18:24
Good evening, Rusty!
Yes, it was lovely out ...and still very mild (comparatively, that is!)
We didn't go very far afield...but it was good to be out!
Where did you get to on your walk?
I have looked up "gustative" and yes, you are quite right...well means "of, or relating to, the sense of taste".
I had never heard of the word before!
Time for dinner......... haddock fish cakes tonight!
20007 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 18:48
Good evening, Elle!
Lovely evening here!
I did not get far either.
Kept meeting folk I knew!
I had seen "gustative" before, but as I said, had no idea what it meant.
This is not uncommon with me!
I do not know what a "canape" is, too. Or a "parfait"!
Lucky you, with the haddock fish cakes!
My favourites.
Now, talking of fishy subjects.
The whale is to be post mortemed today and the public has to stay well away in case it explodes!
Then it will be buried where it beached.
Lassie has done a fine job with the nest.
Looks much better than when she arrived.
20008 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 19:08
I turned on the TV at about 345 this afternoon to watch the climax of the Tour of Catalunya, and it seemed to be all over. I've not been able to find any reference to it on the BBC Sport site, or indeed through Google. What happened? Was it like Wednesday, when the high stages had to be avoided because of avalanche risk?
20009 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 19:14
Eurosport ?

Tuesday March 20
1445-1615 LIVE stage two on Eurosport 1

Wednesday March 21
1445-1615 LIVE stage three on Eurosport 1

Thursday March 22
1445-1615 LIVE stage four on Eurosport 1

Friday March 23
1445-1615LIVE stage five on Eurosport 1

Saturday March 24
1445-1615 LIVE stage six on Eurosport 1

Sunday March 25
1200-1330 LIVE stage seven on Eurosport 1
20010 of 30765  -   Report This Post