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23rd March 2018, 19:15
Thanks cerasus, but it wasn't being shown on Eurosport at 1545 today!
20011 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 19:22
It's OK - the highlights are on at the moment.
20012 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 19:30
Yes, 1900 hrs. to 1945 hrs
20013 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 20:10
Hi, Rusty!
Grrrh! I have just lost all that I had typed!
Ok....I'll start again......
I have just been watching a recording of "Eggheads".
I did not do too well with the answers today.....somehow they all seemed to be geographically I was scuppered before I even started!
Btw, a canape is a small pastry or biscuit with a savoury filling.
However, I also do not know what a parfait is....and I was too lazy to look it up!
It must be difficult to have to conduct a post -mortem on the beach?
Yet I'm presuming that is what has to be done?
It would surely be impossible to transport such a big whale elsewhere.
Why is it thought that the whale might explode?
20014 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 20:23
Hello, Elle!
How is your computer behaving today?
The whale is over 12 metres long, so they reckon it is best to do the PM on the beach.
It would explode if the internal gases kept expanding and could not escape.
This has happened before.
I am not looking up parfait, too!
It was quite a tough puzzle for me.
20015 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 20:44
Hi, Rusty!
The computer has been an absolute pain all day!
It keep shutting down and restarting itself.......but losing what I was doing at the time.
Hence my just having had to retype what I had written to you!
Roll on tomorrow.......and let us hope that my daughter's genius can solve the problem(s).
Now I cannot think in metres, but fortunately you mentioned earlier that the whale was about 40 ft!
That sounds massive! but then I am uncertain of the size of an average whale?!
I wonder has it eaten something nasty to cause its fatality?
Weren't there incidences a few years ago, when several whales had died from eating plastic?
I'm just remembering that there was something else I ought to have looked up in Chambers re the crossword.......
I always thought the abbreviation for cardigan was "cardi" ......yet the answer to the clue has it as "cardy"?
20016 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 21:07
Hello, Elle!
I thought the same about "cardi"!
That is the way I spell it.
Chambers has "cardi, cardie, cardy."
Hopefully your daughter can get your machine running properly again.
Hope it is something simple!
I think the whale got lost.
They are rare on the East Coast and usually found on the West Coast.
So maybe it had no food supply here?
I hope they bury it deep enough or the dogs will be digging it up!
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23rd March 2018, 21:36
Hi, Rusty!
Oh, poor whale! Those are terribly sad pictures in your local paper.
I found this article from January 2016, when another whale had been beached and had died.
I was researching to find out what happened to the dead bodies......
This is an interesting article.......
I hope it works!
20018 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 22:00
Hello, Elle!
Poor whale!
I wonder if we will hear what caused the death of the whale?
I am for the Pine Cone on Sunday!
Misses O and La Bamba are taking me.
So that will be nice!
20019 of 30765  -   Report This Post


23rd March 2018, 22:21
Hi, Rusty!
I was just going to ask you whether you and the girls were going out on Saturday or Sunday.
Yes, very nice.....that will be something to which to look forward!
We are aiming at an early start tomorrow - taking the dog out about 8am - so as to be home again in good time for daughter's arrival.
It will probably be about 11am when they get here........after BB's swimming lesson.
He has swimming lessons on Saturday and tennis lessons on Sunday.
It probably won't be long before YB is following in his big brother's footsteps!
20020 of 30765  -   Report This Post