Hi, Rusty!
Well, I have printed out the crosswords that John sends me, but I doubt that I shall have time to do them!
Entertaining two young boys is very time- consuming!
However, I took a quick shiftie at 7d and 21a, as you had mentioned them.......
7d: He thought the streets of London were paved with gold, had a cat, and became Mayor!
but I couldn't do 21a?
How did Miss O's "first day of school" go yesterday?
Have you spoken to / texted her?
My daughter has just phoned....she seems to have recovered from the upset of yesterday.
She has a shift at "Samaritans" today........helping with the problems of others will probably bring her own (fortunately not serious ones, as it turned out ) into prospective.
We shall hopefully see her again on Thursday, if she has transport to return then.
Right, my presence is now required to play a game........