Good evening, Rusty!
To be honest, I am not sure whether the clan realised just how expensive it was?
As they were our "guests", we paid for everyone!
But they certainly enjoyed the experience!
And I am ready to go again anytime!
As I said, it is one of my favourite places to visit!
I have finally "finished" the 15 x15!
It wasn't quite as hard as I'd originally thought, once I had "got into the swing of it"!
Two to parse, please.......
Yes 19d: now I've decided it has to be "snarky"?
S - s (cornful)
nark - police informer
But where does the "y" come from in the clue?
I have never heard of the word "snarky" - although I have come across "narky", meaning "irritable".
And for 10d, I have "kettledrummer" - presumably someone who plays a kettledrum?
But I cannot parse it?
Other than a kettle being found in a kitchen?
I can' t even see the definition?