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29th May 2017, 11:08
Hi, Rusty!
Looking at the forecast for the next week, it does appear to be somewhat cooler, although also potentially wetter?
But then, we do need the rain!
No, I haven't bought anything from Mountain Warehouse......I hadn't heard of it?........although I've now taken a look and there do seem to be some good bargains.
I did buy a padded winter coat ( to be used for dog-walking) from Trepass very recently (Clearance Sale)
I paid £43-19 instead of £169-99!
Perhaps you are thinking of that?
I did the (Bank?) Holiday Monday Jumbo GK earlier and am now taking a look at the 15 x15.
Have you done your puzzle yet?

Hello, Pigale!
It is much cooler and fresher here...the sun is now showing his face , but very sheepishly!
I saw the (stiltlike) shoes!
Goodness me!
And I thought that I wore very high heels in my "youth"!
Platform soles do help to make it easier, though, don't you think?
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29th May 2017, 11:26
Yes Elle, it is not that difficult to walk with very high heels when there
is a good platform sole - they were already in fashion when I was a teenager and my feet never felt uncomfortable - (and I too wore
very high heels without platform) but I don't remember them (the shoes I mean!) being that 'stilted'!

We should have 'slightly' cooler weather tomorrow, but at present
it is still in the 30s. I wish I lived by the sea!
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29th May 2017, 11:42
Hello, Elle!
Ah, I got mixed up with shops!
Mountain Warehouse is very good, though, in my opinion.
You may have a store locally?
They plan to open many more.
I have half the puzzle done, but got side tracked by a phone call from my daughter-in-law.
Her Dad has just had a triple bypass and she was updating me.
Wonder what Alesha will do tonight?
Last week she was speaking Japanese, on Saturday she was on stilts, whatever next!
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29th May 2017, 13:39
Hi, Rusty!
I have checked on the Store finder but, no, we do not seem to have a Mountain Warehouse anywhere near our locality.
There seem to be two up in Central London and another couple over in the South-West...but none in the South -East near where I live.
Maybe we shall be next on their agenda?
A friend of ours had a quintuple bypass several years ago ....and he is enjoying good health now, as a result.
I hope your daughter -in -law's dad's triple by -pass operation progresses well, and he makes a good recovery.
I like Alesha - she seems very natural and genuine! I am looking forward to tonight's BGT!
Right.....time for a dog walk!
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29th May 2017, 16:27
Good afternoon, Elle!
Well, Mountain Warehouse plan quite a few new stores, so you may get one nearby!
I will get an update on the heart patient later.
Apparently he attended our local hospital for a regular check-up and they kept him in, then sent him to Edinburgh for the op.
So, was possibly very lucky!
Yes, Alesha is good- I like her.
She has a right cackle of a laugh, too!
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29th May 2017, 18:23
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, it sounds as though that was a timely check up for your daughter- in -law's father!
Our elderly (ex) neighbour is in hospital , too, right now.
He too went for an appointment to see the cardiologist after his recent "upset", and was duly admitted, as its being the quickest way to get the tests needed, and the subsequent operation done.
He is having a replacement valve.
I have just been speaking to my (younger) daughter.
She is off to Berlin tomorrow for two nights, for a work project.
Their dad will look after the children - fortunately he too is on half term as he is a teacher.
Well, I had better get dinner before BGT starts!
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30th May 2017, 08:00
Good morning, Elle!
Seems to be a cool slightly damp morning here.
I have not been out yet,
The NHS is a wonderful service, I think.
My daughter-in-law says her Dad will be transferred to a local hospital as soon as he is fit enough, to continue his recovery.
That will be much easier for them visiting etc.
My d-i-l actually works at the local hospital, she is a nurse there.
Hope there are no hiccups in your daughter's travel arrangements at the airport!
Are BA back to normal yet?
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30th May 2017, 09:43
Good morning, Rusty!
It felt chilly out walking, after the previous few days' humidity.
Nice and refreshing though.
I hope your daughter in -law's dad is doing well after his operation, and soon moves to your local hospital for easier visiting.
My daughter catches a late afternoon flight from Gatwick, but I don't know with which airline she is travelling?
She come home on Thursday evening.
You most probably haven't watched BGT yet?
So I shall reserve comment until later.....
Did you see though that they have been accused of cheating?
Right, must dash....going to have my hair cut!
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30th May 2017, 11:07
Hello, Elle!
Nice and cool here and no rain!
I have watched BGT.
Who was cheating?
Controversy is never far away on BGT!
I do not think it was a great semi-final, but....
my two favourites were the school choir, and DNA.
Tonight I am looking forward to seeing little Issy and Leah Barniville.
Who were your favourites?
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30th May 2017, 14:27
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am home again, having had an inch cut off my hair!
Now.....I only watched last night's BGT in fragments, as the phone kept ringing!
And I missed the very beginning of the St Patrick's Junior choir.
But it is they who are accused of cheating - by miming - or rather it is BGT that is accused of setting this up.
Seemingly , there was a hiccough at the beginning of the act where the young singers were out of sync with the backing track....and apparently their young voices could be heard singing, when the children were obviously not doing so.
Now I cannot vouch for this, as I didn't see it for myself?
But this is what I read on the computer this morning.
Ant and Dec rushed on stage saying that the performance must begin again as there was a technical hitch!
My favourites were Kyle, the children's choir (I didn't know about the "cheating"), DNA, and Miss Treat Vibes.
Had I been voting (I didn't), I would have gone for Kyle and DNA.
I have also been reading that Izzy's tricks were successful because she used very expensive was suggested that this was an unfair advantage over other magicians whose expertise lay merely in sleight of hand.
What do you think about this?
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