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31st May 2017, 21:08
Hello, Elle!
No, this is a new school.
Yes, both her placement schools wanted her, but I am not sure how it works.
I'll hear how she gets on at Perth tomorrow.
She is looking forward to giving up her jobs and concentrating on teaching.
Yes, I watched BGT.
Nothing brilliant on, I did not think, but I would vote Josephine, and Tokio into the final, though Tokio's act got a bit gimmicky near the end.
I liked David, the Irish hard shoe dancer, but he should have had a partner, I think.
The girl in the pub would have been a good choice.
Did you like anybody?
13941 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2017, 21:08
Update, Rusty!
I have watched tonight's Semi -finalists.
My favourites are the father and daughter singers, Martin and Faye; Sarah Ibumu, the sixteen year old singer; the Irish tap dancer, David Geaney (I thought his idea of wearing silver coloured shoes was brilliant, as one's attention was immediately drawn to his footwork); and last but not least, Tokio Myers, the pianist.
Tokio is a "must" for me......I am not sure whom I would pick for my second choice?
What do you think?
13942 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2017, 21:20
Hi, Rusty!
Oops, we crossed!
Yes, sorry, I used the wrong term..."hard shoe" dancer!
I thought his act was unusual, and depended on his own skill rather than props.
I really liked him!
Tokio didn't need to have his piano raised....but that didn't detract from his performance, I don't think?
I thought him brilliant!
The singers were good, too.
I did like Josephine...but somehow although the act is clever - and I have no idea how she does it! - her presentation is a bit lacking in "oomph"?
How far is Perth from where Miss O lives - will she need to move house?
Or is it a commutable daily distance?
Results are on in a few minutes....just time to grab a coffee!
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31st May 2017, 21:39
Hello, Elle,
Miss O has a job at Perth for one year, then she is on her own to seek another post.
Perth is twenty miles upriver from here.
A good road there, and there is also a bus and train service.
I really liked Tokio until they started the gimmicks.
He does not need them!
There are thousands of hard shoe dancers like David in Ireland, but I prefer them with a partner, (like Colin Dunne and Jean Butler).
Wonder how the voting will go!
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31st May 2017, 22:08
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I guess Tokio's act wasn't too gimmicky...but I wholly agree with you.
Tokio does not need any "building up" - he is wonderful "just as he comes", so to speak!
I think I would have gone for Sarah and Tokio had I voted.....
I did not like the little boy.
Maybe Sarah will get the judges' Wild Card?
What did you think of the results?
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31st May 2017, 22:27
Hello, Elle!
Yes, Tokio is very good, and the gimmicks spoil things.
Did I hear Ant apologise for bad language during the interview with Tokio?
The little boy was OK but not very talented.
I did not take to Sarah.
No melody in her singing.
A lot of hollering going on.
I just do not like that kind of "singing".
But the public have voted and that's that!
Yes, who will get the Wild Card.
It won't be a Chinese acrobat, that's for sure!
On America's Got Talent there was a chicken playing keyboards.
Why can't we get acts like that!
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31st May 2017, 22:36
Elle, update.
I tracked the "chicken playing keyboards" down.
It is on YouTube, several videos down from the top.
It's on America's Got Talent..
It plays "America the Beautiful".
I think we should have a lot more acts like that on BGT instead of old wifes' playing at DJ's!
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31st May 2017, 22:50
Hi, Rusty!
Now I thought Sarah was good!
But then it would be very boring, if everyone had the same opinions, wouldn't it?
Variety is the spice of life, and all that jazz!
I looked up the chicken playing the keyboard.......
I found one playing "America the Beautiful".... and another (or the same one?) playing an operatic tune.
It just has to be a "fix"?
A hen cannot really play the piano?
But yes, better than DJs and singing robots!
13948 of 30765  -   Report This Post


31st May 2017, 22:59
Hello, Elle!
Sarah may be very talented and popular at what she does but it is not singing.
Singing is what Holland's Got Talent got when little Amira Willighagen walked on stage!
She was incredible!
That's what I want to see, and the chicken!
The chicken is called Jokgu and lives in Maryland and is very talented!
13949 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st June 2017, 10:10
Good morning, Rusty!
A beautiful day, but much too hot for me, already!
I had to drag myself around the park, instead of striding out briskly as I normally do!
It didn't affect the dog though ...she tore around as usual.
No specific plans for today...I shall do some household chores.....then maybe the crossword....then watch the Roland Garros, until it is time for a further walk later this afternoon.
In other words...a lazy day!
How about you?
Any plans?
13950 of 30765  -   Report This Post