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24th April 2017, 11:11
Good morning, Elle!
I do not know what a caricature is?
But the film clip I saw was "created" I think, not natural.
But, there is some amazing stuff on YouTube, I think.
It is a lovely day here but cold.
We may get snow.
It is snowing a bit further North today.
Now, there is a programme on BBC most days called "Victoria Derbyshire".
Have you heard of it?
Today, Victoria did a piece on scoliosis, and Julia, the dancer on BGT.
It was very interesting.
And well done, Alesha, for the Golden Buzzer!
And I note that BGT got the biggest TV audience this year.
I just found out that Sophie Raworth ran the London Marathon. She's my favourite news reader.
I am having a quiet day.
Miss O is going with me to a funeral tomorrow, so best look out for a black tie etc.
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24th April 2017, 11:13
and so was I!
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24th April 2017, 11:37
Hi, Rusty!
A caricature is like a parody of someone or something........
It sounds as though you must have happened on the true likeness of the girl........but compare these links...........
Actual likeness of girl
I hope they work!
No, I hadn't heard of that programme , "Victoria Derbyshire", but have now tracked it down on BBC2!
However did you come across it? There is nothing in my TV guide other than the name......?
I wish that I had been able to watch the programme - I am sure it must have been very informative?
I wonder if someone will set up a "Just Giving" page - or similar - for Julia?
I would not be surprised if that were the outcome of all the publicity.
But then All the Best to her......
I am sorry to hear that you have to go to a funeral tomorrow.
Family...or friend.....?
Unfortunately, we go to more funerals than weddings or Christenings these days!
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24th April 2017, 12:08
Goodness, Elle!
How did that happen?
I only saw the girl's likeness in the clip I saw! was not a natural occurence?
I wonder how they got on?
They would make a nice couple, I think.
"Victoria" is on most mornings.
I like her.
I have her programme on, in the background, regularly.
She is recovering from breast cancer.
I heard her say to look in at quarter to ten and that part would be about scoliosis and young Julia.
So, I recorded it.
She showed the clip of the girls dancing etc and an interview with a girl who had scoliosis and a spine surgeon.
The funeral is for my pal's wife.
Miss O is in charge of me!
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24th April 2017, 13:07
Hi, Rusty!
I am wondering whether a great aunt of mine had scoliosis?
I can only dimly recall her as she died when I was very young....but I do remember her spine being very curved and "crooked"...and she walked bent over in a forward position.
I don't think I ever heard any one ever say what was the matter with her........and I was too young even to think of asking....
I think I must have just taken her condition for granted.
Have you done your crossword yet today?
I am about a third of the way through the 15x15.......
I liked 10 across! and 6 down - that tickled me!
I shall try to finish the puzzle (I am rather slow today!) and then go out with the dog.
Are you going out for a walk?
It is getting very dark here though.....maybe rain coming?

Hello, Chris and Pigale!
Did you check out the differences between those YouTube clips?
Rather strange?
What do you think was the point of their being different?
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24th April 2017, 14:46
Hello, Elle!
The weather is wild here!
High winds, hailstones etc.
So, I am staying in!
I had an auntie like that, too, in Ireland.
I am not sure it was scoliosis though.
Her legs were crippled too.
But she could get about OK.
I had a look on YouTube to see if the programme was on there yet, but could not see it.
There are numerous clips of Victoria, mainly to do with her cancer though.
I have finished the puzzle.
"Herself" is on Sky Arts tonight!
A documentary on Maureen O'Hara!
And there is athletics on Eurosport for you.
Seems to be relay racing from the Bahamas?
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24th April 2017, 15:04
Elle, update!
If you are interested, there is an extended clip of Julia and her friends on YouTube.
It is a bitty longer than the clip we saw on Saturday.
"Alesha makes Just Us dreams come true".
I really liked it!
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24th April 2017, 15:34
Hello Elle and Rusty,

Sorry for the late reply Elle - I was busy clearing documents and
filing them, and then went out shopping.

I did check the different clip on Utube and yes, what a difference!
I might be missing something, but I see no point in the caricature!

You both seem to have a very different weather to what it is here!
It is bright, blue skye and sun, quite warm out of a fresh breeze:
not unpleasant at all.
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24th April 2017, 15:37
Just seen your question, elle, Yes I did find the "correct" one after reading your post. What an odd idea to do a spoof!
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24th April 2017, 15:45
Hi, Rusty!
Your weather sounds horrendous - you are wise to remain indoors!
It still looks black here, but the rain held off whilst I was out.
It is becoming colder though.
I have just watched "Just Us" again on YouTube - they really are very good, and an inspiration with their attitude.
I hope all works out well for them and especially for Julia.
Thanks for the tip off about the Athletics Relays!
I didn't know about that?
EuroSports Player normally sends me an email if there is an event in which I have expressed interest....but no notification came today?
The Relays seem to be on from 4 till 6 so I shall watch.......I'm not exactly sure what it is all about though?
It says it is the IAAF World Relays?
I'm sure I shall enjoy it anyway!
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