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21st April 2017, 18:01
Hi, Rusty!
It has remained dull but dry here....we have been out this afternoon, but it was not a particularly nice day.
Yes, I think "The Merchant of Venice" has a good storyline.........I am looking forward to reading it again!
(I might need to do some sellotaping of my volume!)
I found today's 15 x15 puzzle very hard, Rusty....I have no way managed to complete it!
Strangely, I thought it far more difficult than the Championship crossword!
I couldn't do 1d?
but 19a "Zippo" is a double definition?
Zippo being a type of cigarette lighter and also meaning "nothing" (like "zip" all?)
The Times QC was quite manageable though!
Yes, it will be good to see our daughter on Sunday!

Hello, Pigale!
Dull and miserable looking here!
No sun and not all that warm!
I have had no access to the osprey nest for a few days now?
There seems to be an ongoing problem with the webcam.........
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21st April 2017, 18:21
I saw the nest yesterday, but nothing today as yet.
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21st April 2017, 18:55
Hello, Elle,
"Zippo" means "not a bit"?
I did not know that.
I knew the lighter brand, though.
1d, "Cataphract". I would imagine many would be stumped by it!
Cataract is the "big fall" around "PH" for pub.
I liked 4d too.
It was a toughish puzzle, but I prefer that.
I think most folk on the forum do?
If you were interested, the webcam at Loch Garten is working, but appears to have no sound!
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21st April 2017, 19:02
Hello Rusty,

the webcam is not working for me yet!
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21st April 2017, 19:05
Hello, Pigale!
Not working for me either, at Loch of the Lowes, Pigale, but the webcam at Loch Garten is.
EJ is sitting happily on her eggs!
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21st April 2017, 19:43
Good evening, Rusty!
I guess a lot depends on how much one is on the same wavelength as the crossword setter.....
I fully agree with you, it is much more fun when the crossword is (a bit ) tough and one has to struggle a while to get the answers!
But today's puzzle is either way above my head?
Or else the compiler and I are living on different planets?
I have only been able to do a few of the clues!
I have given up now........time to concede defeat!
I cannot access the Loch Garten webcam either- that too doesn't appear to be working - there is an error notice on my screen?
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21st April 2017, 20:53
Hello, Elle!
Wee tip!
Keep todays puzzle and see what the answers are tomorrow.
It's a good way to learn.
Did you get the jazzman, Dave "Brew beck"?
I liked that one.
And 17a , C elan dine. Caught, dash, lunch.
C is a cricket abbreviation for a batsman "caught".
My webcam from Loch Garten is working fine?
I think you must be a jinx!
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21st April 2017, 21:39
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, checking out the answers the next day would be a good idea........but I cannot do that as I do not have the paper.....
John sends me the crosswords on the day of issue, but he never sends the subsequent answers!
That is why, once I have "given up" on a clue, I ask you for the answer and explanation, as otherwise I would never know.
You see?
Yes, I got Dave Brubeck....also "celandine". I liked that one! I could do that one straightaway!
I liked "umbrellaed " too! and "lounge lizards" but there were so many I just gave up on........
It was the "15 to 1" Final today!
There was another Shakespearean question on that - this time about Malvolio ("Twelfth Night")
Shakespeare is everywhere at the moment - do you think it might be because it is his birthday on Sunday, April 23rd ?
Which of course is also St George's Day - as well as the London Marathon!
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21st April 2017, 22:09

and Round One of the French presidential election!
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21st April 2017, 22:13
And Liege-Bastogne-Liege!
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