Hi, Rusty!
It has remained dull but dry here....we have been out this afternoon, but it was not a particularly nice day.
Yes, I think "The Merchant of Venice" has a good storyline.........I am looking forward to reading it again!
(I might need to do some sellotaping of my volume!)
I found today's 15 x15 puzzle very hard, Rusty....I have no way managed to complete it!
Strangely, I thought it far more difficult than the Championship crossword!
I couldn't do 1d?
but 19a "Zippo" is a double definition?
Zippo being a type of cigarette lighter and also meaning "nothing" (like "zip" all?)
The Times QC was quite manageable though!
Yes, it will be good to see our daughter on Sunday!
Hello, Pigale!
Dull and miserable looking here!
No sun and not all that warm!
I have had no access to the osprey nest for a few days now?
There seems to be an ongoing problem with the webcam.........