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25th April 2017, 16:47
Hello Pigale

I don't know if you're still following the Dorset owls but she has laid 8 eggs now! The first is due to hatch around May 5th.
13481 of 30765  -   Report This Post


25th April 2017, 17:00
Hello Rossim,

Yes, I still look in on the Dorset owls and mostly late at night so that I might see them more 'awake'.
I know it is about average for barn owls to lay 8 eggs or even more,
but I think it will be a bit crowded in that box!
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25th April 2017, 17:14
Good afternoon, Pigale!
Just had a peek at EJ.
There is still quite a bit of snow in the nest.
Ej is a hardy old bird!
It is quite cold here, especially in the wind.
Lucky you with your own private little ones in the garage.
Be nice to hear them all chirping away!
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25th April 2017, 17:26
Yes Rusty, and luckily they are all tucked away in a wooden box type of nest, so the cats cannot get at them!
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25th April 2017, 18:09
Hi, Rusty!
My Goodness, it is cold out!
I was back wearing my padded jacket when out walking the dog.......and even then, it was somewhat of a relief to get home in the warmth!
And the poor ospreys! I thought Lassie was going to be blown out of their nest when I looked a little while ago!
The noise of the wind was overwhelming!
I cannot see the Loch Garten ospreys?
There is a notice up saying they have an error with the webcam?
Did you have a small bet on the horseracing at Punchestown?
Any luck?
Yes, I agree with you.......and with Judy Murray !
Ilie Nastase really does live up to the play on his name!
I am watching "Eggheads"........

Hello, Pigale!
You are fortunate in being able to see EJ at Loch Garten - I cannot!
But she is welcome to the snow! I definitely do not want that!
It is very cold indeed here - we are all back to wearing winter gear!
I hope your young birds are all keeping warm?
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25th April 2017, 18:37
Hello, Elle!
Yes, it is a cold wind blowing up here.
My Loch Garten webcam is OK?
Type "UK Ospreys" into search engine, click on site, then click Main Menu, then click on "Cams and Links".
That will give you access to webcams on 10 UK sites, including Loch Garten.
No, no bets at Punchestown, just enjoying the racing.
There is tennis on BT Sport from Stuttgart, but the two ladies playing are new to me.
A German and a Chinese.
It is a pity Judy Murray was not with Jo Konta etc.
She would not put up with Nastase's nonsense!
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25th April 2017, 20:21
Hi, Rusty!
I managed to finish today's 15 x15 crossword, except for three parsings....I shall take another look at them before bed!
I suspect I take a lot longer than average, though!
I never manage the puzzle under three quarters of an hour.........and sometimes it can take me all day "on and off"!
I have had a fairly lazy week so far.......but the remainder of the week looks to be busy.
Tomorrow, being Wednesday and my daughter's day off work, she and I (and YB of course) are meeting up a usual for lunch.
I don't know where we shall go as yet.......I quite enjoyed that "Giraffe" place we went to before........
We shall see.......
You haven't mentioned the puppy for a is she getting on?
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26th April 2017, 07:35
Good morning, Elle!
Fine day here.
I see EJ has had more snow at Loch Garten.
None here today, I am pleased to say!
I do not "time" myself at the puzzles.
I can not see the "fun" in that.
Though I would think I take anywhere from a superfast 20 minutes to a couple of hours.
But often much longer, and I prefer that.
I usually do a bit, then go off and do something, and come back to it later.
The puppy is growing and gets very excited with visitors!
Right, I have to head out soon.
Have to see the nurse and visit ASDA!
13488 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th April 2017, 09:52
Good morning, Rusty!
Yes, a fine day here, too - but colder than ever!
I'm drinking coffee (it's warming me nicely) and eating an apple and a hunk of cheddar cheese.
I hope your visit with the nurse went well?
I shall do the QC after typing this...then a few jobs before I go out at 11am to meet my daughter.
I am reassured by your sometimes coming back to the 15 x15 in fits and starts .......that is mostly what I do..........I solve a clue here and there!
What else are you up to today?
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26th April 2017, 10:12
Hello, Elle!
Oh, yes, the nurse and me get on fine.
She was after some blood samples and telling me about her new house she moved into recently.
The puzzles for me, Elle, are to be savoured.
I see them as an enjoyable pastime.
I certainly do not want them to be a race against the clock.
Now, a bit of news for you!
Eurosport are showing tennis next week from Tuesday.
It is a tournament in Estoril.
It is billed as a warm up tournament for Roland Garros.
I do not know who is playing in it, though.
Hope daughter and you enjoy your lunch!
13490 of 30765  -   Report This Post