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17th April 2017, 15:17
Got it, Malone!
Very good!
13351 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 15:22
You're welcome, Rusty .
13352 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 16:08
Hi, Rusty!
We too have been out for a walk!
The sun came out for us although it has not been very warm.
We met up with an old friend en route, who has just lost one of his dogs to cancer.
That was sad to hear.
Perhaps it is the size of the Jumbo cryptic that puts me off!
I have completed it a few times .........but do find it hard.
I have just seen the poser that Malone left for us from the crossword........that was easy enough!
But then it was somewhat topical!
It is interesting the stand that Eilish is taking about not wanting her children to follow in her footsteps as an athlete - especially as she herself is very much "her mother's daughter"!
But then I guess the drugs situation has escalated a lot since Liz's day!
Eilish is right, though, to say that the athletics scene is rife with drug cheats - we are constantly hearing more tales of this, aren't we?
What time is your Grand National race?

Hello, Malone!
I have been out and only just seen your clue....
Yes, very good!
13353 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 16:12
Elle, I knew that clue wouldn't trouble you for very long! Rusty, or rather 'Rusty' seems to have appeared as the answer in quite a few crosswords.
13354 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 16:21
Yes, although actually the answer was "lusty"
13355 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 16:26
Yes, I really just meant Rusty was the answer to a part of the clue - other times it/he has been the solution.
13356 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 16:34
Yes, very true.
13357 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 16:49
Hello, Elle!
Eilish says Liz never encouraged her into athletics but let her find her own way.
Eilish says she would encourage her children into tennis.
Has she never heard of Sharapova?
Elle, it is the size of the Jumbo that puts me off, although I used to love doing it.
The Grand National is off at 5.00.
I am with Willie/Ruby's horse, Haymount.
Fingers crossed!
13358 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 18:55
Hi, Rusty!
Well, would you believe that I have been asleep?
I was reading my book and must have dropped off!
When I awoke, my book was on the floor.......
So how did the race go?
Did Haymount run well?
It didn't seem to be showing on any of my television channels.
I think some programmes have different times due to the (bank?) holiday.......
I notice that Eggheads was on earlier than usual (but I slept through that!)
Oh dear!
It is the last episode EVER of "Broadchurch" later tonight......9 pm....but luckily I have the recorder set for that!
Right....dinner should be ready........
13359 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 19:16
Hello, Elle!
Nothing wrong with a wee nap!
Haymount ran well enough, but not as quickly as I hoped he would!
The race was shown on At The Races, a dedicated horse racing channel.
Broadchurch seems to be very popular.
Hope you enjoy it!
13360 of 30765  -   Report This Post