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14th April 2017, 23:14
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I always text them "Goodnight".
That's what mobile 'phones are for, in my view!
I would not be without mine, yet for years I said I would never get one!
The girls are collecting me at 12, apparently.
So, all fixed up!
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15th April 2017, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
A rather dull, chilly day here at the moment - black clouds overhead.
What is it like with you?
Have you been out yet for your paper?
We have been up to the park - it was still quiet at 8 am.
I had to go to the card shop on the way home to buy a second birthday card for my elder daughter (I cannot find the first one!)
That is good that your outing with the girls is organised....
Is Miss ATW coming too ....or just the two sisters?
Right...time for a coffee and an apple and the Times Jumbo GK!
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15th April 2017, 11:24
Good day, Elle!
Lovely day here, but a cold wind blowing.
I was out earlier.
You have lost a birthday card!
You will lose something else!
Everything comes in threes, they say.
You lost poor Mr Jingles, now a birthday card!
Whatever next!
Just the sisters collecting me as far as I know.
This is BGT Day!
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15th April 2017, 14:09
Hi, Rusty!
Are you home again?
How was your lunch with the girls?
Did they arrive to collect you on time?
I know that Miss O's time keeping is not all that good!
Where did you go?
I have done a few household chores this was inevitable as I had an especially 'lazy' day yesterday!
(which I greatly enjoyed!)
I finished the Times Jumbo GK - very easy this week! - and have also completed the Times 15 x15, barring seven parsings which at present I just cannot see......
Have you done your puzzle yet?
The sun is at last shining.....although the temperature has not noticeably risen much......
We are just about to go out for a walk.......

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15th April 2017, 15:03
Hello, Elle!
We had a nice time at Pine Cone.
Girls were on time!
Great day here but cold wind.
The ASDA girls said they were scraping windscreens this morning!
Yes, my puzzle is complete.
Listening to the football now.
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15th April 2017, 17:22
Hi, Rusty!
Home again!
Glorious out - the sun has been shining brilliantly - but no real warmth to it today - a supposed maximum of 12C.
There is a strong wind here, too - but I like it ........makes the walk more invigorating!
I'm glad you enjoyed the Pine Cone...was it busy?
Did you have any problems with your crossword?
I am still stuck on my parsing of a few of the clues......
I cannot say it is truly "completed" until I have solved those!
Yes, BGT tonight!
I do not like it all that much at the beginning of the series, though.....
I much prefer it when the "more inept" competitors have been weeded out!
I think that is why I like "The Voice" so that, only "good" singers are included from the very beginning........
Now...what to have for dinner...... we have some leftovers to finish....might go with those.......
Have you had your tea?
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15th April 2017, 17:51
Hello, Elle!
The Pine Cone was fairly busy, I am pleased to say.
No, my crossword is all parsed, though one is a bit vague, unless I am missing something.
I agree, Elle, they have to be parsed or you are just guessing them.
I like the "inept" folk on BGT, too!
The more the merrier, and I like a laugh!
I had a fishcake and a choc eclair for tea.
I am on standby now.
La Bamba needs a lift to town!
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15th April 2017, 18:24
Hi, Rusty!
I just had a look at the Pine Cone Cafe online!
It looks most attractively set out - I hadn't realised that the cafe was set amid the excellent idea!
The menu looks good too!
Yes, I know that you enjoy the less accomplished acts on BGT as well...and that you are amused by them.
And certainly a lot of people must find this, as I think these acts are deliberately included!
Probably I am in a minority, but I just haven't the patience!
I do enjoy the versatility of the acts, though, so like watching the programme for that reason.
But I prefer it when "the wheat has been sorted from the chaff" - or however the expression goes?
But would be boring if we all thought the same?
That is good of you to act as chauffeur for Miss L-B!
Does being "on standby" also mean collecting her at the end of the evening?
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15th April 2017, 19:48
Hello, Elle!
Yes, the Pine Cone has a fairly simple menu.
The girls had super toasties, today, and a bacon roll for me!
The girls and me usually sit out on the verandah at the Pine Cone.
There are super views out over the fields to the wilder hills to the North.
It really is a hidden gem of a place.
There is no passing trade, as it is well off the beaten track.
I did not see anyone buying a Christmas tree today!
I have dropped La Bamba and her pal in to town and that is my lot!
Yes, we are all different in what we like on BGT.
i am not so keen on singers.
I do like the "oddball" acts, I must admit.
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15th April 2017, 21:34
Hey, Rusty!
I have been watching BGT!
I was very impressed!
Only two "rubbish" acts - buzzed off by the judges.
The rest of the performers were very good indeed.
Have you watched it yet?
I don't want to say too much now, if you haven't seen it?
But..... a clue to my thinking ....I thought three acts especially were very good indeed...and one was exceptional in my book!
I shall be interested to know what you think?
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