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17th April 2017, 20:04
Hi, Rusty!
Well, tonight is apparently going to be the last ever episode of the entire "Broadchurch" series , so it will be interesting to see how it will all end.
There are a lot of loose ends ...left from the previous I wonder whether they will all be tidied up, or just left to trail off into obscurity........
By ten o'clock, I shall know!
Meanwhile, I did remember to record "Eggheads" at its different I shall go and watch that!
13361 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 21:53
Hello, Elle!
Been a fine evening here.
Hope Broadchurch finished up to your satisfaction!
It seems to be very popular.
Well, back to Para Handy!
13362 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 22:33
Hi, Rusty!
Mmmm.....I'm not sure about the outcome.....I think the perpetrator of the crime ( a rape) was a surprise but perhaps a little bit far fetched?
But the general rounding off of the main characters throughout the three separate story lines (one series a year) over the last three years was probably reasonably realistic.
No "happy" endings, but no doors completely shut either.......
It has been an excellent series, but I don't think that anything compared to the brilliance of the very first one.
Maybe that should have stood alone.......
Yes, like you, back to my book........
13363 of 30765  -   Report This Post


17th April 2017, 23:04
Hello, Elle!
Ah well, the series is over and maybe there will be something good to replace it!
Yes, you know where you are with a book!
13364 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th April 2017, 10:09
Good morning, Rusty!
We have a glorious day here......... blue sky, sunshine........ but very very cold!
Only 5C as yet!
We have just heard that our close friend and neighbour - of forty odd years - will not be returning to live next door to us.
Since his fairly recent seizure , he has been staying with his daughter, and it has now been finally decided that, in the best interests of his health, he will remain there.
I am sure that this is the wisest option but we shall miss having him next door!
However, we shall maintain contact as we are friendly with the entire family.
So.....this will mean new neighbours on both sides of the old lady on our other side died a few weeks ago.
Both houses will soon be up for Sale......
I wonder what/whom this change will bring?
I am viewing it with some trepidation!
Right, action stations...........I have some jobs to do!
How about you?
Any plans for your day?
13365 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th April 2017, 10:54
Good morning, Elle!
A fine day here, too.
Hopefully you will have fine new neighbours!
I have no plans today.
I am going to tackle the puzzle soon and if successful I'll have the rest of the day to myself.
13366 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th April 2017, 13:16
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, the time has passed quickly!
All my (necessary) chores are finished - and I have also completed The Times QC and all bar one in the 15 x15.
26A: Most important daytime sleep cut such surroundings (8)
I have N?I??E?T from the crossers.......
I' m thinking No 1 for most important...which would give me the second letter as O"
but then I am stuck?
All else , believe it or not, is fully parsed!!
Very unusual for me so early in the day!
I normally need to "reflect" on and off for ages!
13367 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th April 2017, 13:24
Do you want a hint, elle?
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18th April 2017, 13:29
Too late! Garden calls.......

Lovely day here too, but cold - I need to be active.
13369 of 30765  -   Report This Post


18th April 2017, 13:31
Hello, Elle!
Well done, you are cooking by gas today!
26a, Hint.
The sleep takes place in a European country.
Good luck!
13370 of 30765  -   Report This Post