Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, what a confusion !
And John is not getting any crossword at all in his particular online package!
Thank you very much for letting me know what is what........
My husband is just going out now, to have his hair cut (must be something in the air?) so I have resolved the problem by asking him to buy the paper for me, whilst he is out!
I very much doubt that I shall be up to doing the Championship Qualifier....... but I can have a go!
And at least, I can do the QC .
Where has the morning gone?......it is midday already!
Hello, Pigale!
We sound to be having similar weather to you - beautiful but cold.
But I like it like this!
How are you feeling now? Are your gums recovering from the dentist's ministrations?
I have only ever had wisdom teeth out - they were growing sideways, so had to come out!
I think you must be far braver than I!