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19th April 2017, 11:09
Hello, Elle!
I have no idea what The Times is/are up to!
The puzzle in the paper is a qualifier for the Times Crossword Championship. (1st of 3)
The puzzle online is a crossword from 1960!!!
But, apparently, todays Qualifier puzzle is available online in a PDF form.
I did not explore that
Strange goings on, and there is no explanation why!
The Qualifiers are usually fairly tricky, so that's good.
May be worth your while buying the paper?
I posted my ballot for our local elections yesterday and now another one is looming!
13381 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2017, 11:15
Hello Elle and Rusty!

Beautiful and cold here too - 0C in the wee hours of the morning

Are you both OK?

I have received my puzzle online as usual - it is a qualifying puzzle for The Times Championship 2017 it seems. You might want to have a go and buy a paper?

I have a very good deal with The Times now - I only pay £8 something
a month and get the whole paper on line including of course the puzzles, which I can print if I want. It is called the 'digital package' I think. This offer is only available for desk computer, ie not portable nor tablet - but for me, it is a good deal since I can only get the paper sometimes in the Summer - (for tourists). I don't think that around £100 a year is expensive?
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19th April 2017, 11:17
PS - Correction, Rusty is right - my puzzle is from 1960; I had not read the introduction to it properly!
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19th April 2017, 12:06
Hi, Rusty!
Goodness, what a confusion !
And John is not getting any crossword at all in his particular online package!
Thank you very much for letting me know what is what........
My husband is just going out now, to have his hair cut (must be something in the air?) so I have resolved the problem by asking him to buy the paper for me, whilst he is out!
I very much doubt that I shall be up to doing the Championship Qualifier....... but I can have a go!
And at least, I can do the QC .
Where has the morning gone? is midday already!

Hello, Pigale!
We sound to be having similar weather to you - beautiful but cold.
But I like it like this!
How are you feeling now? Are your gums recovering from the dentist's ministrations?
I have only ever had wisdom teeth out - they were growing sideways, so had to come out!
I think you must be far braver than I!
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19th April 2017, 12:14
No merit Elle, it was a case of having to go through with it - but I am fine and very much looking forward to having the replacement teeth so that I can smile/laugh again!
I have not really met anyone yet, thank goodness.

Wisdom teeth can be a problem and much more difficult to come
out than front teeth (and even molars).

Unlike you, as you can guess, I do not like this cold weather at all! Winter should be done and over with as far as I am concerned!

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19th April 2017, 12:17
Good day, Pigale!
That sounds a great deal you have with The Times!
My deal costs more than that!
I may have a go at the 1960 puzzle later, if I have time.

Hello, Elle!
The Qualifier is fairly tricky, for me, anyway!
I have finished, all bar one.
A three letter word and I have two of the letters!
There is a Cockneyism in the puzzle, and a Russian poet who is new to me.
And I had a guess at a bit of English geography to get one.
Quite a good puzzle, though.
Have a go!
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19th April 2017, 12:26
Update, Elle!
I have solved my 3 lettered clue!
The word is not in my Chambers, or Bradford's.
But I Googled it and found it!
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19th April 2017, 14:00
Hi, Rusty!
The Qualifier is certainly hard!
Well done on finishing it!
So far, I have done just over half of the puzzle - all parsed as I've gone along though!
Mostly what I have completed is on the left hand side, although I've got the Russian poet, and I like 23d about the Kray twins!
I also liked 4d, 13a, and 17a.
I am confident that what I have done so far is correct anyway, so that is an accomplishment at least!
I am taking a break now.....first a coffee .......and then I shall go for a walk!
I'll have another go when I return!
But I may have shot my bolt.......!
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19th April 2017, 15:07
Good afternoon, Elle!
Keep at it, you'll get there!
Yes, I liked the "Craze" twins!
2d is new to me, and 25d was my last in.
I liked 26a, too, and 16a.
I am going to have a pop at the 1960 one.
Fine day here.
13389 of 30765  -   Report This Post


19th April 2017, 15:42
Hello again, Elle!
The 1960 crossword was unenjoyable.
The modern setters are much better, and often have sense of humour.
1960 had several Shakespeare quotations.
Try this,
"imitate his action" cried Henry V before Harfleur (5)
I would be here until the cows came home and would not have got that!
Mr Rogan and his merrie men are much better setters!
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