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26th March 2017, 20:20
Hello, Elle!
Yes, you told me about the vet.
No harm in looking for a Shakespeare volume.
I have nothing to recommend.
Think my next one will be a Kate Summerscale book on a Victorian murder. I forget the title.
If I may intrude on your question to Jazzgirl, I think PM means Personal or Private Message. I think...!
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26th March 2017, 20:23
Hi Elle
Rusty has replied while I was typing.
On FB (facebook) my friends/family can all see what I post, but if I want to send a pic. or chat with just one (without the others seeing) I can send them a PM (private message)
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26th March 2017, 20:33
Colm has seen my message....... !
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26th March 2017, 20:36
Well done, Jazzgirl!
Hope you get a reply!
Fingers crossed!
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26th March 2017, 20:42
Colm says it's most likely a traditional piece called Port Na bPúcaí. He has 2 albums available for sale through his website but he says "I'm afraid this piece isn't on either of them! It's an unreleased recording as yet".
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26th March 2017, 20:48

hauntingly beautiful
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26th March 2017, 20:49
Hello, Jazzgirl!
I would say that is a result!
"as yet"?
Sounds as if it may be on a recording in the future?
Others may have recorded the piece, though?
Let us hope one isn't Daniel O'Donnell!
I think you have done well, anyway, and so has Colm with his quick informative reply!
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26th March 2017, 21:09
Hello, jazzgirl,
Yes, a lovely piece of music.
A very talented lad is Colm.
I am feeling a bit nostalgic now!
Seeing the beaches (we called them strands) etc.
A lovely part of the world!
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26th March 2017, 21:12
Hello, Elle!
Amazon has any amount of Shakespeare volumes.
World of Books has "very good" hardback volumes for 1p.
Worth a look?
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26th March 2017, 21:59
Hi, Rusty!
I am sorry for the delay in replying...........
We have had a minor disaster on our hands!
Some time ago we had a run of "bad" light bulbs exploding.... do you remember?
Not much damage was done then at the time, as fortunately said bad bulbs were all placed within "uplighter" shades......and the shattered glass was thus contained.
Well, we thought that we had removed all the faulty bulbs but, somehow or other, one escaped our vigilance...and tonight it has exploded!
All over a guest bedroom....and not within an uplighter!
What a mess we have had to clear up........
The poor animals had to be contained within another room whilst we came and went, lest they cut themselves.......
We have shaken, we have swept, we have hoovered..........all is rendered "safe" now, but what a hectic spring-cleaning effort!
Thank you for checking on "Shakespeare" volumes for me.
World of Books are good........I shall look into that later.
Kate Summerscale?
Didn't she get a Somerset Maugham award for one of her books?

***To anyone else reading this, I must stress , do check your light bulbs!
Our electrician told us that there are a great number of these faulty bulbs out there!***

Hello, Jazzgirl.
Thank you for the gen. re "PM" I understand.
I am glad that you have found out some information about your piece of music.
Very impressive that you got a response so quickly.
Yes, I too picked up on the "as yet" as meaning that possibly there will be recording on sale at some future stage.......
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