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26th March 2017, 18:47
Hello, Elle!
Still many cobbled streets about.
One thing I've always said.
Must have been back-breaking work laying cobbled streets.
Hardy men, in days gone by!
Yes, you have done well today.
I did not get anything!
How did your daughter get on at the O2 Arena?
12991 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2017, 19:03
I have just sent a PM to Colin Stafford-Johnson asking him if he could help me find a recording of the music which they say was inspired by the sounds of the humpback whale. He mentioned a song of the ferry and I cannot find it anywhere. I hope he replies, but he has over 3,400 followers so I have to be patient.
12992 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2017, 19:07
Hello, Jazzgirl!
I hope you have success.
Are you following him on Twitter?
Possibly you may find it in the "credits" at the end of the film?
On YouTube?
12993 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2017, 19:12
Thanks rusty
I tried Youtube, with no luck. I hadn't thought of going through the credits. I will do so now .
He must be a very busy man (He is on FB) I haven't looked on Twitter
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26th March 2017, 19:18
Hi, Rusty!
Your turn will come with Fathers' Day!
I have spoken to my daughter twice today, but both occasions were prior to her visit to the O2 arena!
I shall learn all about it - and which restaurant they visited - tomorrow, no doubt.
But for tonight I shall leave her be....the children will be tired and she will want to get them to bed.
And no doubt have a rest herself before work tomorrow!
And speaking of restaurants, did I tell you that we (again) won a voucher for a "romantic meal for two" in the twice annual draw at the vets?
We have done well there recently!
I shall save it for my upcoming birthday!
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26th March 2017, 19:19
Hello, Jazzgirl,
I do not see him on Twitter.
I found Colm Mac Con Iomaire, though.
He was involved with the music, I think.
He describes himself as a violinist/composer/turner of tunes!
He is on Twitter.
May give you a lead?
12996 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2017, 19:27
Good evening, Elle!
Yes, your daughter will be busy in the evenings with the young ones.
Well done, you, on winning the romantic meal for two!
You seem to be well in with the vet!
Any thoughts on which book from Amazon?
12997 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2017, 19:39
hi Rusty
I have found Colm on FB too and sent him a PM . He says he normally replies within the hour. I live in hope :)
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26th March 2017, 19:45
Very good, Jazzgirl!
Hope you get a result from Colm!
He has stuff on YouTube.
I just listened to "Emer's Dream".
Colin may be harder to pin down, especially if he is away making another film.
There would not be much in the way of wi-fi in the wilds of the West coast of Ireland!
12999 of 30765  -   Report This Post


26th March 2017, 20:07
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, we did well, didn't we?
Unfortunately, though, this may well turn out to be the last occasion we shall dine out "free"........
I told you that our vet of long standing has now sold the practice to a huge conglomerate, and consequently there is no knowing whether the voucher draw will still be offered in the future.
We may be the very last ones to win!
I have no idea on what books to spend my is for £20, so I shall spend wisely and may get quite a few books with that.
I'd thought of a new volume of Shakespeare as mine is falling to pieces.......but I may try for that at a Boot Fair, come the Summer.
I shall have fun browsing on Amazon...........
Do you have any good recommendations?

Jazzy, I have been puzzling...,,,what is a "PM" related to social media?
I do not go beyond prime minister and post merediem.....
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