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5th March 2017, 08:50
Good morning, Elle!
Dreich day here.
I think the cold bath is to help the muscles to recover?
Just been on Sunday Times site (even did the crossword...too easy!)
More scandal for Team Sky and Brailsford.
One good thing is it makes clear is that most doctors at Team Sky were not prepared to go along with the cheating, and they actually blocked Dr Freeman (the poorly doctor) from accessing their records etc.
i find that encouraging, from both a medical and sporting point of view.
In another article Sir Mo is in the firing line.
I'll leave it there as I know you purchase the Sunday Times.
I like the new Loch website.
Much more modern looking and informative.
Lassie (hopefully) should arrive in about two weeks time.
Looking forward to seeing young Miss Muir body swerving the officials at the end of her race today!
12591 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2017, 10:44
Good morning, Rusty!
Snap! It is dreich here, also.
I finished the Everyman very quickly, too - the setters must be giving us an easy day!
(Maybe they thought we would like to watch the Athletics?!)
Just one slightly "iffy" parse - but I think that is me....however, I am still considering it.
Yes, we do get the Sunday Times but not until later in the day..........
I shall look out for the article on Mo in due course.
We are planning to go out about noon for a walk - before I settle down at 2.30 to watching the Athletics!
I'm hoping the rain will cease before then.
What are you up to, apart from watching Laura later?
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5th March 2017, 11:23
Hello, Elle,
I am just home.
It is turning into a fine day here.
I went for a dander along the Nature Trail.
Good to get the fresh air!
I have the first stage of Paris-Nice to watch.
The athletics, and maybe the golf later.
Laura will be the highlight though.
She starts her vet placement on Tuesday, too.
And is doing a placement at an equine hospital after that.
All go for that young lady!
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5th March 2017, 11:53
Hi, Rusty!
You are a walk up on me - we haven't been out yet today!
I have been up since very early on, and have been busily employed all morning; first doing the crossword (priorities!) and then catching up on some long overdue correspondence.
But my poor husband is still having problems with his back (altho he is definitely improving) and so he has been "resting" this morning.
We are shortly to go out though, or else I shall not be back in time for the Athletics (again, priorities!).........besides I am convinced that gentle exercise is beneficial!
So I am telling him, anyway!
What time is your cycling?
I shall be back later......
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5th March 2017, 12:16
Hello, Elle!
I am in for the day now.
It has turned into a fine breezy day here.
Walking shall benefit your husband's back and breathing.
Just you nag away!
Cycling is on at 2.45.
I was going to support Thomas Voeckler, but I do not think he rides.
No Sagan either.
He will be concentrating on the one-day classics at this part of the season.
This race lasts for a week, so not important if I see little of it today.
Miss Muir takes priority today,
...and Steph Twell and Eilish!
12595 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2017, 13:57
Hi, Rusty!
Back home again.......
It is still raining off and on here...... we got a tad wet going for our walk.
Nagging? Who, me? I like to think that I am acting in a kindly advisory capacity!
Yes, a good brisk (ish) walk is highly beneficial!
It is a pity that your favourite cyclists are not riding today.....but at least you can concentrate on the Athletics, without divided loyalties.
I am looking forward to this afternoon's events!
I thought Steph Twell looked good?
Right, I shall go and find something for lunch that I can eat whilst viewing........
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5th March 2017, 14:54
Hi Elle, Rusty et al....

After several of 'no internet', I finally seem to be back on line!
Not sure about email yet - can't find it!

All the problems occurred after power cuts last Monday, and the upsurge of power coming back just did it for the elderly computer I was using.

I am now using another that I had, but have encountered considerable problems in getting it connected to my rooter - It seems OK now but the home page is totally different - in fact there is no home page as such, and I have yet to discover how to send an email!!!
I will get it sorted one way or another - I hope.

So, how is everyone? Nothing much has happened here apart from this technological hic up
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5th March 2017, 16:06
Hello, Pigale!
I am relieved to hear that you are all right!
I was getting worried by your absence.
I had thought that perhaps you were ill....for some reason it never occurred to me that you might have a computer problem!
I am glad that all is okay with you - and hope that you will soon sort out your other technical problems!
I am fine....busy watching the Athletics as you might have expected!
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5th March 2017, 16:27
Good afternoon, Pigale!
Nice to hear from you!
I did wonder about your lack of posting.
Glad you are fine.
Hope you manage to get your computer/router sorted out.
It is amazing how we grow to depend on computers and Internet to keep in touch with the World!
12599 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th March 2017, 16:34
Hi, Rusty!
Wow, Wow and Super Wow!
Wasn't Laura incredible?
It did my heart good - as they say - to see her go like that!
She just flew down the track!
Another well deserved Gold!
And for Eilish to take the Bronze.... another well earned victory.
And I am so pleased for Steph Twell, too - such a great come back for her to have done so well.
And Shelayna Oskan -Clark took Silver in the 800m - only one hundredth of a second behind the winner!
What an afternoon!
And it was great to see Richard Kilty receive his Gold medal!
12600 of 30765  -   Report This Post