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6th March 2017, 17:42
Hello Malone :)
12621 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 17:44
Hello back, jazzgirl.
12622 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 19:26
Hi, Rusty!
I wandered off to watch "Eggheads"!
Yes, there are some fantastic waterfalls in the programme!
You might need a handy bullock's hide.......
Or failing that, maybe your old leather jacket?
I do admire Griff Rhys Jones in this series that he is doing.
It cannot be easy........there is a lot of physical strength and endurance required.
I hope the links work!
You ended up with two!
I am a slow typer, and Jazzgirl's contribution wasn't on screen when I started to answer you!
I have had a very interesting newsletter from the Scottish Wildlife Trust, telling me that (quote ).......
"On Saturday 25 March Roy Dennis, the UK’s foremost authority on osprey conservation, will give an illustrated talk outlining the latest research into these incredible birds at Loch of the Lowes Visitor Centre near Dunkeld".
It says that one will be able to view ospreys from the Centre's hides.
So they must be expecting Lassie and Laddie to be back by then?
Is this anyway near you, because it sounds very interesting?
Maybe you could go?

12623 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 19:48
The series was first shown 2009 so these are all repeats, but still worth watching again. Cadbury the labrador has more fans than Griff ! I think he still has Cadbury
12624 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 19:58
Hello, Jazzgirl,
I watched the programme.
Was very good.
I know most of the area, and I have read the story of Lettice Ward and her big salmon.
(Most of the huge salmon have been caught by women!)
And I was pleased to hear them say the weather was "dreich" in Glenlyon!

Hello, Elle,
Yes, Griff was game all right!
These wild swimmers are mad!
There was a teeny glimpse of Dundee at the end!
Last year Lassie flew in on the 18th of March, and Laddie a few days later, so there may be ospreys to see on the 25th.
It is good to think that they are on their way from Africa!
No, I am content to see the birds online, unless I was up that way.
Dunkeld is a nice wee place to visit. It is right on the Tay next to Birnam Woods which Shakespeare mentioned.
12625 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 20:03
I felt sure you would enjoy it, rusty .
I remember the woods in Macbeth. I acted 2nd witch when we did the play at college (I was chosen due to my best rendition of a cackle )
12626 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 20:09
Hello, Jazzgirl.
I would not have thought you a cackler!
But, it was a very good programme.
I have never used iplayer before!
12627 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 20:13
rusty, even my own father did not recognize me on stage..... my own laugh is more of a giggle and far more refined ;)
12628 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 20:18
Pleased to hear it, Jazzgirl!
12629 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th March 2017, 20:38
Hello, Pigale!
What is happening with you today?
Is your computer still functioning?
Did you get chance to look at the new Loch of Lowes website?
It has been updated and is much more extensive now.
I think you will like it.

I meant to tell you that my "new" television is really great on the "Red Button"
I was able to watch Athletic extensions over the weekend!!
Roll on Wimbledon when it will really come into its own.
12630 of 30765  -   Report This Post