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1st March 2017, 20:06
Good evening, Elle!
Miss AOW is just off home!
She lives about two miles away.
Nicole Sapstead has got Interpol involved in the "stolen" laptop case.
They will find out if it was reported, or not.
It was allegedly stolen in Greece.
The "poorly" doctor was supposed to upload the medical records to a Dropbox account, but didn't.
I do not know what will happen now, but it is our money that funds British Cycling, and someone should be keeping a beady eye on them.
They are far too close to Team Sky for my liking.
David Walsh, the journalist, has been told that a large quantity of a steroid was ordered by Team Sky, but there are no records of it.
I have heard of Chicken Kiev but do not know what it consists of?
12551 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2017, 20:51
Hi, Rusty!
You will have had a nice long chat with Miss ATW then!
Two miles isn't all that far away...that is good.
Our younger daughter lives about eight miles from us.
It takes about 35 - 45 minutes to drive there, depending on the traffic.
But I can get there by public transport if necessary which is convenient.
A twenty minute walk to the railway station, two mainline trains...and I am there!
All done in an hour and a half, door to door!
She is the nearest of our three 'children'.
Chicken Kiev?
It is chicken coated in egg and breadcrumbs, and fried or baked.
Garlic butter is spread inside the chicken.
Ours, though, came a la Sainsburys!
Right, I shall now have a (very) belated look at the crossword ......
12552 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2017, 21:51
Hello, Elle!
We had a good blether, yes!
I am lucky.
All my family are not far off.
Your chicken sounds tasty.
I had a haddock for my tea.
Good luck with your crossword!
12553 of 30765  -   Report This Post


1st March 2017, 22:51
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, you are very fortunate that your family do live so close to you.
Lack of money and need of jobs has played a part in where our children live!
Younger daughter tried hard to buy a house near us - we could have helped more with childcare, too - but property here was too expensive for them, so they were forced to move that little bit further out.
But eight miles is relatively near and we do see them a lot - and talk every day on the phone!
Our son is fairly close too, but in the opposite direction!
And elder daughter and children come to stay almost every school holiday!
They moved to the Midlands because of her husband's job.
At least all the family are in the same country and easily within visiting distance !
We can be grateful for that.
I haven't even touched the crossword!
I fell asleep!
12554 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2017, 07:40
Good morning, Elle!
Bit frosty, out!
Eight miles is not too far at all.
Many folk have family in various parts of the world.
My youngest son and family are literally a two minute walk away.
My eldest son is a 5 minute drive. I could walk but it is all up hill and I would arrive puffing and panting like an old horse!
Are you and the ladies lunching today?
12555 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2017, 10:25
Good morning, Rusty!
We do not have frost....we have mud!
I have just finished cleaning up the dog!
There is a bitterly cold wind this morning.
No, no "Ladies who Lunch "today!
We are down to two of us now, because of house moves to be nearer to family etcetera, and my friend has hospital appointments today.
Instead, I shall spend my time sorting out all the paper work - forms and correspondence - for the HMRC, photocopying it all, and sending it off to the Complaints Department.
By the usual Recorded Delivery.
I have had enough!
What a pleasant day I see ahead of me........
How about you?
What do you have planned ?
12556 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2017, 11:53
Hello, Elle!
Frost has melted!
Do you have an address for the Complaints Debt?
I just had their telephone number.
Good luck with it, anyway.
I had my telephone appointment with a financial adviser.
Went very well, I am pleased to say.
There is a two page report in The Times about the cycling enquiry today.
Basically saying British Cycling and Team Sky's reputations and claims to be the cleanest of the clean, are in tatters.
The "courier's" remark to the Parliamentary committee about "everybody fiddles their tax claims" did not come across in a very good light. Idiot!
I am going to go for a walk soon, then tackle the crossword.
12557 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2017, 13:40
Elle and Pigale!
Been a bit of activity at the osprey nest this morning.
There was a man up the tree securing positions for the cameras.
Not long before the birds return.
Two to three weeks, I reckon.
12558 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2017, 14:24
Good afternoon, Rusty!
It is lovely here, too, now. The sun is shining!
Have you already been out for your walk?
Where did you venture?
Yes, I did eventually manage to track down an address for the HMRC Complaints Department.
It took a while though!
I have duly written a very thorough explanatory covering letter, and also sent them copies of all the relevant documentation and previous correspondence.
I have copies of Recorded Delivery signed receipts, so I do not see how they can go on denying this!
If it weren't so stressful, it would be laughable!
Yes, I have the Times, but I haven't even opened it yet!
I hope they hang BC out to dry!
The dog is agitating - - I wonder if she will settle for a visit to the Post Office instead of the park?
12559 of 30765  -   Report This Post


2nd March 2017, 16:41
Hello, Elle,
Yes, I walked a bit of the Nature Trail.
Still fine weather.
You appear to have been very thorough with your documents for HMRC!
I agree about BC.
Unfortunately the cream of our aspiring young riders are involved with them.
Jess was on the track training with the Dutch girls yesterday.
Not sure where, though.
There will be a lot of pressure for her if she does make it back, though.
I think Laura Muir has a heat tomorrow morning.
12560 of 30765  -   Report This Post