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5th December 2016, 10:59
Good morning, Elle!
Your weather is like mine!
I hope Mr Jingles is on your Christmas shopping list for a nice present?
My day?
I have a fire to take apart to see if I can fix it.
Other than that, no plans.
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5th December 2016, 16:20
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am tired and it is dark!
Two weary observations !
I have finally arrived home - my daughter very kindly delivered me and all my packages to my door!
I didn't fully accomplish all that I set out to do....but I am quite pleased with my purchases so far.
A good day's labour!
How about you?
Have you had a good day?
Did you manage to fix your electric fire?
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5th December 2016, 18:40
Hello, Elle!
No, I have left my fire until I hear from Dimplex.
I do not use it, just for flame effect.
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5th December 2016, 19:38
Hi, Rusty!
Well, at least you are not relying on the fire for heat.
Do you know when Dimplex will come to look at it?
I "broke the back" of my present buying today!
I have got most of the presents for the grandchildren,
I think they will be pleased with them!
I was in the shopping centre when suddenly I heard Bing singing "White Christmas"!
I really felt , for the first time, that Christmas is on its way.
(The cat cannot be moved from the washing machine! He is convinced Mr Jingles will emerge any time soon!)
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5th December 2016, 19:55
Hello, Elle!
Well done on your present buying today!
It is a "thought" getting started!
There is a long programme about Bing on Sky Arts, tonight, I think it is.
A documentary, I think.
I am on the side of Mr Jingles!
I had an email from GlenDimplex acknowledging my email of complaint.
They will try to reply in 3 days!
I have discovered on another part of their website, that it would cost £156 to send someone to fix it!
So they can take a running jump, or is it a run and jump?!
I shall wait on their email and then take it from there.
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5th December 2016, 20:34
Hi, Rusty!
It is on occasions like this when I wish we had Sky Arts!
Are you going to watch the documentary on Bing?
Somewhere I have a book about him, telling his life story.
I must have a look for it.....I should like to read it again.......
It is "a running jump", but let's mix the metaphors, and I shall say "don't take this lying down"!!
If you are correct in saying that the bulb should last a lifetime, then you have right on your side and should fight the issue!
£156 to effect a repair? Good grief!
( I have bought Mr Jingles a suitcase - you can expect him on the next train!)
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5th December 2016, 21:05
Hello, Elle,
No, I am not recording Bing.
His wife and daughter are in it too, and clips of him singing with Bowie, Dean Martin etc. And, of course, with Bob Hope!
He sings "Carol of the Drum", or as it is better known, "Little Drummer Boy".
My problem with the fire is I have long lost the receipt for it.
Anyway, no great problem, but I shall see what they say.
"The flame effect should last the lifetime of the fire"
I am sure that is what it says, but they will try and wriggle out of it.
If I had proof of purchase I feel I'd have a reasonable chance of success, but I do not!
Mr Jingles shall be most welcome in my humble abode!
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5th December 2016, 21:39
Hey, Rusty!
The Bing programme sounds good - I wish I could see it!
He is one of my favourite singers!
What a shame that you have lost your receipt for the fire.
But didn't you register the product with the firm when you bought it?
Wouldn't they have a record?
Or failing that - or in addition - how did you pay for it?
If you paid by card or cheque, then there would be a record?
I hope you can sort something out.
I am reading about "South Pacific" being made into a musical.
(Mr Jingles has packed ....I shall give him sandwiches for the journey)
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5th December 2016, 21:59
Hello, Elle!
There may be a bit of the programme on YouTube?
No, I pay cash for almost everything.
I gave money to Miss O (she got me discount) and La Bamba chose the fire.
If they won't fix my fire, and I can not, it is no problem at all.
I did not use it for heat, but for a warming look, and there is a fine shelf along the top for the young ones photos.
So I shall not worry about it.
I hope Mr Jingles is well wrapped up, it is Baltic here!
11199 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th December 2016, 22:25
Hi, Rusty!
We put our family photos on the piano!
That is also where my bouquet of flowers is, at the moment!
Now, Mr M and I are discussing words and the use of the English Language......
I knew of course of the palindrome "Able was I ere I saw Elba" - I should think most people know that.
But I didn't know this one....."A man, a plan, a canal. Panama."!
Did you know that before reading this book?
(Mr Jingles has a woollen scarf!
Do Fang, Hector and Rosie know that he is coming?)
I shall look for Bing on YouTube......
11200 of 30765  -   Report This Post