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7th December 2016, 16:13
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Finally, I have finished writing all my Christmas cards........what a marathon event!
I only paused to go out (briefly) with the dog!
My handwriting was probably indecipherable towards the end!
Now..... I have been reflecting on "high jinks"...... and have decided that having read what Pigale found and what I followed up with from Brewers, we had maybe better keep away from them in future!
They sound somewhat disreputable?
I cannot believe that it is already dark - my day has just vanished!
What have you been doing?
11221 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2016, 16:31
Hello, Elle!
No high jinks, so!
Well done on the Christmas cards!
I have been out for a dander, and it was a bit on the wet side.
Home for the day now.
Was looking at one or two books on Amazon.
And looking at phones online.
Whether to get a new one, or not, that is the question?
Today is the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
As a "Hawaii" student, you should know this!

Hello, Pigale!
Thanks for the "high jinks" info!
It is very mild here today, but we have had our share of frost recently!
I hope you are well!

11222 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2016, 17:40
Hi, Rusty!
Do you not automatically get an "update" with your phone?
Says she who really doesn't have the slightest idea!
Only I know that my daughter has her phone regularly "improved" from time to time - I think that is part of her deal with the company?
What books are you considering buying?
I still have four books "lined up" ready to read!
When I finish Mr M's bio I shall read "Tales of the South Pacific".
I am looking forward to that!
I am ashamed to say, Rusty, that I hadn't realised that it was 75 years ago today since the bombing of Pearl Harbour!
I didn't come across it in the News?
11223 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2016, 18:01
Hello, Elle,
I think you mean an "upgrade"?
Yes, I am on a two year contract which ends in around three weeks.
I can get a new phone from them, or a Sim only deal, or walk away altogether, and go with another provider.
I have not decided yet.
I have ordered one book, "The Burning of Bridget Cleary".
It is about a strange incident in Tipperary over one hundred years ago, in which the "fairy folk" were blamed for Bridget's death, by her family.
They are not only on Barra!
The other book is about Florence Bravo.
A very odd case!
I would imagine there will be services etc at Pearl Harbor today.
The memorial straddles the sunken USS Arizona in the harbour.
I have an idea that the Japanese PM is attending, too.
11224 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2016, 18:49
Hi, Rusty!
Do I mean an "upgrade"? probably I do!
No matter, the two words mean the same thing, don't they?
And you knew what I meant!
What is a "Sim only" deal? I haven't heard of that?
Regarding your prospective books.......nor have I heard of either of the characters you mentioned.........
I am not doing very well in the knowledge stakes this evening!
I have heard of a Charles Bravo?
He was a British barrister in Balham who was poisoned with antimony?
or was it arsenic?
No, no I think it was antimony......
Is Florence anything to do with him?
11225 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2016, 19:07
Hello, Elle!
"Sim only" means you do not get a phone, only a Sim card for your existing phone.
I would not expect you to know about Bridget Cleary and the "little folk".
Yes, Florence was married to Charles Bravo, and they lived in Bedford Hill, Balham.
He died of antimony poisoning.
Florence died about two years later of alcoholic poisoning, allegedly.
Very odd case!
11226 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2016, 20:08
Hi, Rusty!
You have lost me here?
Why should you want a new Sim card?
I thought the Sim card retained the memory of all your wanted phone numbers?
I am being thick here, aren't I?
It's all right, you can say "yes".......but just explain to me the principle of what you are talking about?!
I was under the (erroneous?) impression that folk kept their Sim card and bought a new phone...not the other way around?
11227 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2016, 21:47
Hello, Elle,
No, you are not thick, just unused to upgrading etc.
There are Sim cards and there are Sim cards.
It depends how much data, talking minutes, texts, etc you want.
I would want a lot less than I have now and that will be reflected in the cost.
Many folk are happy with their phones and do not want the expense of a new one (like me), and opt for a Sim only deal, to go with their existing phone.
Now, Elle, is that perfectly plain....or not?
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7th December 2016, 22:17
Hi, Rusty!
It is sort of plain............I'm assuming that these "Sim card only" deals just come with contract phones?
(Mine is a "Pay as you go" )
So your "deal" is incorporated in the Sim card?
Therefore, if you want to change the deal, you have to change the Sim?
That (if I have it right) makes sense to me.
But what about your phone numbers that are stored on the Sim card?
Does the service provider transfer those contact details from one Sim card to another for you?
I hope you are following my (sluggish) thought processes?
Oh dear, bring back carrier pigeons!
Or maybe smoke signals?
11229 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th December 2016, 22:29
Hello, Elle,
There are Pay as you go deals, too.
You could possibly have to change the Sim on a new deal.
Depends on the technology and that is advancing rapidly.
There are 3 sizes of Sim card that I know about.
The good thing about Sim only deals is that some providers have different lengths of contract.
1 month, 12 month, 2 years.
Tesco offer triple top ups.
If you top up £10, Tesco increase it to £30, I believe.
There are all sorts of deals out there, if you look.
11230 of 30765  -   Report This Post