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3rd December 2016, 13:36
Hi, Rusty!
Um, a bulb sounds likely, I think?
You will have to manage without the "warming effect" until you can buy a new bulb!
I expect the light from the fire also seems welcoming - it is a good idea.
We still haven't done anything about replacing our gas fire - what we have in situ look nice - but doesn't work!
It was only there as back up, but it would be nice to replace it with a "working model" in case of emergency.
I cannot parse 6a either! I have got "ungag" from the crossers?
I am away out now with the dog - wearing nubucks though, not the wellies!
11171 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 15:05
Hello, Elle,
The bulb is meant to last the lifetime of the fire according to Dimplex, which is not the way of it!
So phone call to Dimplex next week!
Ungag, yes.
Dag H was secretary general to the UN.
But can't see where "gag" comes from....yet!
11172 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 17:01
Hi, Rusty!
It was freezing out!
Much colder than this morning.
I think the weather forecaster forgot to mention the chill factor!
We are glad to be back home and having warm drinks to warm us up.
I hadn't associated the "UNgag" with the United Nations - although of course I know who Dag H was.
But I am still no wiser as to the full parsing......
He died in a plane crash, didn't he? ( possibly shot down?)
Are you watching the golf?
11173 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 17:13
Elle, Rusty, Chambers gives one definition of one as 'a joke', so that leads to the 'gag' in the answer.
11174 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 17:30
Hello, Elle,
I do not know if Dag's plane was shot down.
It came down in Zambia.
Now, this clue!
As Malone has kindly pointed out, "gag" could be "one".
As in "have you heard the one about...."
Leaving "un".
Surely setter can not mean Dag H for UN?
He was secretary general, not the whole blooming thing!
Unless I am missing something.
No golf just now Elle, I am road testing browsers!
11175 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 18:56
Hi, Rusty!
There are quite a lot of clues that I cannot parse in this puzzle....I think I am giving up!
I shall meet up with Mr M instead.......
Now speaking of whom......
I was under the impression (I think) that at one point Mr M supported the Republican party?
Yet all of a sudden, he was canvassing for the Democrats - then standing himself for the party.
When did this tranmission take place?
(if it did take place - and I thought it did?)
Do you know?
Or am I going to have to go back through the book to find out whether I've dreamt the whole thing up?
11176 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 19:22
Hello, Elle!
I took him to be a Republican.
He comes across as being slightly right wing.
But, he was on the Kennedy campaign, as you say.
I would go forward, Elle, like Prince Rupert at Marston Moor.
Do not look back.
I have a punnet of black grapes here.
They were "whoopsed" at ASDA today.
"Whoops" is ASDA speak for a reduction in price as a product nears its "eat by" date.
11177 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 19:47
Hi, Rusty!
Well, this is most strange.....we both think , then, that at an earlier stage, Mr M was a Republican.......agreed?
But have a quick re-read - or browse through - the chapter entitled "Politics", Rusty, and our James is most definitely a rampant Democrat!!
No doubt about it!
I cannot ignore this?
I must go back and check on his previous political afiliations.........
Funnily enough we have some black grapes , too.......boringly, they were simply "reduced"!
Actually, I prefer red or green grapes.......
11178 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 20:02
Unless Mr M changes horses again mid -stream?
After all, I am only half way through the chapter.....
Just a thought?
11179 of 30765  -   Report This Post


3rd December 2016, 22:34
Hi, Rusty!
I have finished the "Politics" chapter, and Mr Michener remains a Democrat!
I have flicked back through the book but cannot find that first reference that led me to believe he was initially a Republican......although it has to be there somewhere, I cannot come across it......
So I have Googled the issue.....
An article in The Economist tells me that Mr M was first "a Republican, then a Democrat....."
So there we have it!
I cannot find reasons, however, for his decision to change his political opinion.
Time for a coffee now......!
11180 of 30765  -   Report This Post