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12th November 2016, 21:51
Hello, Elle!
Goodness, your Mum was lucky!
You may have mentioned Barnes before.
My memory is not the best!
As Malone says, "idio(Ma)tic".
You are doing fine.
I struggled to get "baroness" out of my head before I lit on "baronet".
I do not mind Mr Rogan's Londonisms if they are well known, but I did not know Barnet was in London, anyway!
10761 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th November 2016, 22:19
Hi, Rusty!
Well, my memory has lapses, too - so don't worry about it!
I think Barnet may well be considered one of these moveable boundary problems..... it certainly used to be in Hertfordshire.
Like Croydon....this was always considered to be in Surrey - I believe on the Royal Mail maps it is still so -- but the "powers- that- be" (who are these people?) relocated it to Greater London .
Most Croydon residents will still tell you that they live in Surrey!
Or you can be like us....we have a London postcode, live in the London Borough of Bromley, but Bromley is in Kent!

Thank you, Malone!
So simple now that you have explained....but I would never have got it!
10762 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th November 2016, 22:44
Hello, Elle!
Guess what I am reading?
"Greater London Murders. 33 True Stories of Revenge, Jealousy, Greed, and Lust"
Barnet is in it, but not Barnes.
Bromley has a chapter, too.
A murder at Mason's Hill, in 1868.
Says Bromley was a "small rural town" then.
Croydon is in it too. The Craig and Bentley murder case was in Croydon.
There is a place called Brent, too. New to me.
There is another Bromley in England, too, but I forget where.
To the North, a bit, I think.
10763 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th November 2016, 23:03
Hi, Rusty!
I know Mason's Hill!
I have actually been there!
Bromley Hospital used to be sited there, but is long demolished now.
Modern housing there instead!
I didn't know that there is another Bromley in England?
Although I think I read somewhere that there are several others scattered around the world!
I still haven't encountered any humans yet in "Hawaii"........the first few chapters are dedicated to island formation.
I shall be a geologist soon and can give up my day job........
Tennis tomorrow , if you are interested?
10764 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th November 2016, 23:29
Hello, Elle,
It mentioned a pub in Mason's Hill.
The Tiger's Head.
I am not quite right about the other Bromley.
It is Bromley Cross, Bolton.
Is it in Hawaii that the Caribs appear?
They were cannibals.
Maybe that was in another Michener tale.
I remember the Tongan (I think) Royal Family being very tall.
Queen Salote of Tonga was at Queen Elizabeth's Coronation.
She was 6ft 3ins.
The people loved her!
Not sure what I am doing tomorrow.
10765 of 30765  -   Report This Post


12th November 2016, 23:55
Hi, Rusty!
I don't know about the pub in Bromley, Kent.......
But I do know Bromley Cross in Bolton!
Although it is many moons ago since I was there.
Bromley Cross is a very pleasant residential area on the outskirts of Bolton.
Now Bolton is another place where the boundaries were is now "officially" a part of Greater Manchester, rather than of Lancashire.
But you try asking any Boltonian where he / she lives.....and you will get a resounding "Lancashire" as a reply!
I don't know as yet any of the characters in "Hawaii" , Rusty.
I have only got as far as meeting the High Priest on Bora Bora, and his ideas of human sacrifice to the new god Oro.
Very blood thirsty!
And now....look at the time!
I am away to my bed! Talk tomorrow.
10766 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2016, 00:10
Hello, Elle.
There is a Bromley Green near Ashford, Kent.
Now, there is something coming into my head about the Hawaiian Royal Family, which you may not like.
The Royal Family practised incest.
I think that may be why I never revisited the book.
It was me thinking about Queen Salote that brought that to mind.
They were all tall, like Salote.
Michener's Mexico was a bloodthirsty book, but I suppose that was the way it was then.
I shall retire too, I think.
10767 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2016, 09:55
Good morning, Rusty!
All rain is gone.........and we have a beautiful day again!
It is parky - and very poggy underfoot , though!
It is a good job my Nubucks are still proving waterproof!
We have a quiet day today....nothing planned as yet, so will take it how it comes.
I am looking forward to learning more of Queen Salote - but she hasn't put in appearance as yet.
I am only near the beginning of the book.
She reigned for a long time, didn't she?
Fifty years maybe?
I am now at the coffee stage and have just printed off the Everyman.......
What are you up to?
10768 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2016, 11:51
Good morning, Elle.
Bit dreich here.
Queen Salote is not in the book.
She came into my head when I thought of the Hawaiian Royal Family.
She died a long time ago. In the sixties.
I think she reigned for over 40 years.
I have no plans today.
10769 of 30765  -   Report This Post


13th November 2016, 12:09
Hi, Rusty!
That is disappointing - I thought that Queen Salote was going to appear in one of these time flashes that often occur!
I am trying to think what I know of her.......didn't she attend our Queen's Coronation?
I know she died in Auckland.
Funny how bits of random information stick in one's head!
I shall "Google" her and see what I can find out!
10770 of 30765  -   Report This Post