Good afternoon, Rusty!
Goodness, one o'clock already!
My friend has only just left!
I haven't made a start on the 15x15 yet......but looked at 1 across in case I could throw some light on it for you (although of course I am no Eastender myself!)
I think the "journo" referred to is " 'ack " (hack) - does that help?
"ack" in "bomber jet"
I'm still only half way through the Times QC - had to stop when my friend arrived!
I might get to finish both crosswords later, with a bit of luck!
No, still no sign of the tree fellers!
I am suspecting that having been paid, we shall see them no more!
I guess that it is our fault for not going out (in the torrential rain!) to count the trees!
One lives and learns!
Hello Ros and Pigale!
That is a dreadful situation in which to be - no public transport!
At least Ros, you have your car and can drive.
I should be in a "right pickle" if I didn't have public transport, as I cannot drive!
Fortunately, where we live, there is an excellent transport system.
We have buses , trains and trams within fairly easy reach - although it is a fairly long walk to the tram!