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7th October 2016, 11:30
Hello Rosalind,

This is a very similar situation to what happens here - my own village is a 'market village' and has doctors, pharmacist, laboratory and many shops etc but there are two or three smaller villages 5 to 8 Kms away which have no transport whatsoever, apart from school buses - and those only take the kids.
On top of this, these small villages used to have at least one small shop which was also a depot for bread/ papers, but those have closed; there is no way they can survive without a car and those who do not drive rely on their neighbours/friends to give them a lift.
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7th October 2016, 11:55
Hi Pigale
When we bought the house 40 plus years ago there were two shops, two pubs, buses, Guide, Scout, Cubs and Brownies, a library and a really good fireworks party every year. The pubs and one shop are left. Very sad.
I don't want to move but I may have to
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7th October 2016, 12:13
Yes, hypermarkets have a lot to answer for; also many 'old trades' have disappeared and people have to go further afield to go to work. They often shop on their way home and gradually the village shops die off because of lack of trade. Many villages are just 'dormitories' - very sad. (at least this is so here)
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7th October 2016, 13:24
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Goodness, one o'clock already!
My friend has only just left!
I haven't made a start on the 15x15 yet......but looked at 1 across in case I could throw some light on it for you (although of course I am no Eastender myself!)
I think the "journo" referred to is " 'ack " (hack) - does that help?
"ack" in "bomber jet"
I'm still only half way through the Times QC - had to stop when my friend arrived!
I might get to finish both crosswords later, with a bit of luck!
No, still no sign of the tree fellers!
I am suspecting that having been paid, we shall see them no more!
I guess that it is our fault for not going out (in the torrential rain!) to count the trees!
One lives and learns!

Hello Ros and Pigale!
That is a dreadful situation in which to be - no public transport!
At least Ros, you have your car and can drive.
I should be in a "right pickle" if I didn't have public transport, as I cannot drive!
Fortunately, where we live, there is an excellent transport system.
We have buses , trains and trams within fairly easy reach - although it is a fairly long walk to the tram!
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7th October 2016, 13:51
Hi elle
Yes, for now I'm OK. But if I get to the stageI can't drive, itmaybe too late to move house.So I may decide to do so long before I need to. People have worse problems and the parish council may come up with an answer.
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7th October 2016, 13:56
Hello, Elle!
That is a good help for 1a.
An 'ack is a journo?
Is a journo akin to a journalist?
Not a very satisfactory clue, for me, at any rate.
I have not been back to it.
I had a visitor too.
Eldest son!
He brought me an apple pie from TESCO!
A pity about the tree fellers!
Your builder friend may know of some of good repute?
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7th October 2016, 14:46
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, hack, journo, journalist are all of the same ilk.
No, I didn't like the clue either even though I could see the answer.
I am now about half way through the puzzle.
Have you had chance to take another look at it?
You may laugh at this....
15a: Lord's conclusion perhaps is baffling (6)
I have spent ages trying to fit "Amen" into the answer.........!!
I shall say no more........
I think it possible that the tree men did not intend originally to "diddle" us?
They charged a reasonable amount for the nine trees - the fact that they only did eight may have been a genuine oversight in the pouring rain?
I shall give them the benefit of the doubt as they did such a good job.
But if they do not come back, then I may change my mind!
Your sons are great at bringing you appetising things to eat!
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7th October 2016, 16:51
Hello, Elle!
I have finished the puzzle now.
13a is a poor clue, other than that, it was not a bad crossword.
The prize one tomorrow is usually quite good.
Yes, I think the tree fellers are OK.
Give them another call and see what the craic is?
My youngest son called in the afternoon.
I have done a lot of talking today!
10098 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2016, 18:12
Hi, Rusty!
I fell short of finishing the 15x15!
Five clues still to go, mostly in the bottom left hand corner.
One of which was 13a, which you mentioned.
No, I couldn't do that one.
I do not like 15a - and I never thought it was going to be a cricket clue....... I was so sure it had a religious theme!
Ah well!
No Eggheads tonight..... some programme associated with "Strictly...." instead.
Elder daughter and the boys should have come for the weekend, but the boys are both ill and have been off school for the last two days.
Some bug going around.....
The pup is improving (slowly) though, so some good news!
10099 of 30765  -   Report This Post


7th October 2016, 18:46
I expect you all think I am bonkers, but I am so excited. My cousin has just found the burial in 1848 of our 3x great grandmother aged 103 years (she was stretching it a little, as she was actually only 97, but no-one had a birth cert in those days).
I plan to get her death certificate. Any guesses as to what she was said to have died of? Old age????
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