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8th October 2016, 13:29
Hello, Elle!
Had a nice morning.
My friends go back tomorrow.
It is a great day here but little warmth in the sun.
I have started my crossword but put it aside until later.
I would love to see Emma make a statement.
British Cycling and Team Sky are chancers.
The World Championships are on soon and they will not have my support anymore.
I am cheering for Peter Sagan of Slovakia!
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8th October 2016, 13:45
Elle, your/our crossed fingers worked - Murray and Konta both won today's matches and are in tomorrow's finals.
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8th October 2016, 14:24
Good afternoon, Rusty!
I am glad that you had a great time with your friends - and of course with your granddaughter!
Now.....surprisingly, I have finished today's Times 15 x 15!!!!
(How about that?)
Or at least....I have completed the grid......but have eight yet to parse!
I managed to get the answers to these eight from knowing the definitions and having the 'crossers', but I shall not be satisfied until I can see the parsings.
But a dog walk calls........(and it's raining!).......
So the remaining explanations for my puzzle will have to wait for my return!
I may need to seek help later.......if I prove to be defeated!
I think I'll need wellies for the walk.......

Thank you, Malone!
Well done, Andy and Jo!
Is it likely, do you think, that the BBC will see fit to rearrange their
schedules to accommodate these matches?
I'd better not hold my breath........
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8th October 2016, 14:46
Elle, I have no definitive news about the tennis coverage, but there's a message on the BBC Sport website. It says ' Details of the ATP World Tour Finals on tv, radio, online and social media will appear here once confirmed.' I don't want to get over-excited in case we get only radio coverage, but I'll check the website from time to time - and will add any significant updates here!
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8th October 2016, 14:52
Murray v. Ferrer is on Sky Sports 2 at the moment, so I doubt if terrestrial will be allowed to show it.
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8th October 2016, 15:25
Hello, Elle!
Yes, I had a fine time.
No bacon roll today, just coffee!
I have finished the crossword, so may able to help with the parsing, though there is one I am scratching my head about.
But think it is to with Shakespeare.
If you have any questions just fire away!
10116 of 30765  -   Report This Post


8th October 2016, 17:14

There are three things I will admit to being passably good at on here. Cake making, genealogy and Shakespeare.

"We ask and ask; thou smilest and art still
Out-topping knowledge" Shakespeare, that is. I might be able to parse the clue for you
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8th October 2016, 17:25
Hey, Rusty!
A wet walk! although the dog enjoyed it!
And I have only solved one of the remaining eight parses so far.......
I cannot explain 15a, 22a, and 27a
And also 3d (man - island ) 4d, 15d and 19d.
I don't think I am going to get any further........
Maybe I can help with the one you were doubtful about....?
If you are meaning 14 across, yes, I have done that one, and understand it.
Elsinore = Zealand port (def)
el - Spanish the
sore- cross
i- one
(Your 'Shakespeare' thought comes from 'Elsinore' being a castle in 'Hamlet'!)
Perhaps I need brain food....or at least a tackle the others!
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8th October 2016, 17:38
Hello, Elle!
15, Trotter is a horse. R inside totter/rock.
22, Banner, Advocates/lawyers are the Bar, square is n(i)ne. Without one (i)
27, Brand new. Drink is a brew, and/with, n for note.
3, Man about town is socialite.
On the brink of success, about to w(i)n. (i) = ejects one.
15, Plane is tree. a in clue, model = sit, reversed.
19, Proverb. Lead is PB, symbol. Dog is Rover?
Hope these are a help.
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8th October 2016, 17:45
Rosalind and Elle,
The setter threw me by having "New Zealand" in the clue.
I was thinking of a port with the letters "nz" in it.
I then thought there was a place called Zealand...somewhere?
That lead me to Helsingor, which I believe is the modern name for the port known as Elsinore.
I had a vague idea Elsinore had something to do with a play by Shakespeare.
Took me a wee while, that clue, which I think is a good one!
10120 of 30765  -   Report This Post