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5th October 2016, 14:16
I like it Chris - particularly the 'tirty-six'!
10051 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 15:49
Good, Chris!
10052 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 16:01
Good afternoon, Rusty!
Did you have a good walk?
Where did you go?
We have been out too - just arrived home.
We went through the wood and round the lake.
Getting colder though......
I need to buy three presents, don't I?
One for mum, one for the new little one, and one for our granddaughter!
I even found the Times QC on the hard side today......usually I can cope well with that one!
I liked this clue though......
5d: Heavily attack reliable currency (5,8)
It appealed to me!
I haven't even made a start on the 15 x15!
Have you done it yet?

Good ones , Chris!
I liked the "Pity Seamus isn't with us"........
10053 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 16:38
Hello, Elle!
I am afraid I am not up on the etiquette of presents for new babies and their kin.
I have a "giggle of granddaughters" to keep me in the loop on such things!
i thought a Teddy bear would suffice?
I do not know your clue?
I have finished mine, yes.
You, after reading Centennial, should sail through this one.
18a, "Inspiration among the Great Plains" (8)
Once I had crossers I got it, and thought it was a jim-dandy clue.
i do not know what the word means, though!
Aye, poor Seamus missing out again!
10054 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 17:30
Hi, Rusty!
A "giggle of granddaughters"?
Have you made that up?
I like it!!!!
Now, my clue.....
5d: Heavily attack reliable currency (5,8)
The answer is "pound sterling"
I'm afraid that I cannot do yours.......although I haven't reached it in the crossword yet.......I always start at the top left hand corner and work systematically.
So I have no crossers so far.......
Having read "Centennial" is not helping me as yet.......
But please do not tell me........I shall persevere!
10055 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 17:43
Hello, Elle!
Yes, a "giggle" seemed to me to be a spiffing collective noun for granddaughters.
Mine, certainly!
Glad you approve!
Pound sterling! Ah, that's a good one.
Yes, you will get there.
But if I may paraphrase Professor Vernor.
"Caution US editors. It was a new word to me."
9d is very good, too.

10056 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 19:42
Hi, Rusty!
I am reporting back as a dismal failure!
I am struggling very much with today's puzzle..... I cannot do 18a - the first one you asked me?
I have got as far as
but haven't any idea as to what the answer is?
However, I have managed 9d.......
charlotte russe = dessert (def)
harlot - tart
in anagram of "crust see"
I liked that one.
I think I may give in gracefully (well, not all that gracefully....)
This puzzle is much too hard for me!
10057 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 19:54
Hello, Elle!
This should help get you going.
18 is "in flat US", which I think works well with the clue, but as I said, it is a new word to me.
Keep at it.
We all had problems while trying to fathom this terrible crossword game!
10058 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 21:00
Hi, Rusty!
Thank you for the help there.
I have never come across "inflatus", although it is easy to see that it means "inspiration" (as definition)
I have done roughly half this crossword!
And have spent far too long puzzling over it!
Of what I have done, I liked 2d, 11a and 9d.
I am now going to watch the last episode of my serial....."DCI Banks".
My brain is tired!
Maybe a coffee - and have you got any of those oatcakes left?
10059 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 21:21
Hello, Elle,
No, nor bananas.
But I shall remedy that in the morn.
I thought the crossword was quite good today.
But, one crossword per day is enough for me.
Hope you like DCI Banks!
I am reading Britain's Last Tommies.
It is very good.
10060 of 30765  -   Report This Post