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4th October 2016, 23:04
Hello, Elle!
Quite a bit of Chesapeake is about ship building on the Choptank river.
You will learn about the borers etc.
I would say it is as good as Centennial.
Macfarlanes lantern was the name given to the full moon.
In days gone by, some members of Clan Macfarlane had a reputation for cattle rustling and it was done at night under a bright moon.
Hence Macfarlane's lantern.
Often the cattle were being driven to the great markets at Falkirk and Crieff.
Many had been swam over from Skye and then on to the traditional drove roads across mountains and glens to the markets.
There was quite a bit of rustling going on.
Exciting times!
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4th October 2016, 23:16
Hi, Rusty!
Ah, I see!
A very logical and satisfactory explanation for the moon being so called!
How long ago did all this happen?
And taken to I know all about Falkirk and the kelpies......!
Time for a bedtime drink - and I think we still have some shortcake biscuits remaining........
10042 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 00:05
Hello, Elle,
Falkirk and Crieff were where the cattle sales were.
When? Crieff had Trysts for many years up to at least 1745.
They also had a well used gallows for miscreants.
Apparently the drovers were very pleased to see the gallows as they knew they were now in civilisation!
The Falkirk sales came later.
As many as 30,000 cattle would be sold, often to traders from England who would drive the cattle south to London markets.
I think there is a description of the epic journeys and the sales in Michener's "Texas".
But if I remember correctly, the cattle came from Glen Lyon, not the swimming beasts from Skye!
And no R.J. Poteet!
10043 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 10:00
Good morning, Rusty!
Another lovely - but chilly - day here!
Just come back from my walk- it was glorious out!
I have yet to hang the washing on the "hoist".......I'll do it after I have finished my coffee!
A "clear " day ahead far!
How about you?
Do you have anything planned ?
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5th October 2016, 10:31
Good morning, Elle.
Bit dreich here.
Hope it is warm enough for the hoist!
No, I am lucky, no plans, so I can do as I choose.
Are you getting Times crossword today?
Keep at it, you are sure to improve!
Coffee is a good idea.
I'll have mine with an oatcake!
10045 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 11:23
Hi, Rusty!
Well, I have sunshine and breeze, so hopefully the washing will dry outside.....
Although I think the days for outdoor drying are numbered........
We have discovered that the tree men missed a tree! - they will come back again to trim it!
Yes, I shall be getting the Times paper for a fortnight in all - so plenty of room for improvement!
All chores accomplished - washing, hoovering, dusting etc - so I am about to sit down with the crossword now.......
I always do the Times QC first though - a 'warm up'!
10046 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 11:39
Hello, Elle!
What a difference an hour or two makes.
Smashing day here.
The Hill's hoists are spinning merrily!
I think "tree fellers" sounds better! No?
Good luck with your crosswords!
10047 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 12:42
Hi, Rusty!
"Tree fellers" is an excellent clever play on words.......
(Only I don't want them to do that to my tree!
Just a little bit of pruning!!)
I have just had some delightful news from my "ex- daughter- in -law- who -never- was" (if you can follow that?)
Our son's ex girl-friend, mother of our granddaughter, has just given birth (9.43 this morning) to a son by her current partner.
8lb 3oz!
So our granddaughter now has a half- brother.
Isn't this exciting?
I shall have to go shopping for presents!
10048 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 13:21
Hello, Elle!
I like the "tree fellers", just my humour!
I think I can understand "your ex-daughter in law who never was", though I am not the brightest.
We have half-siblings in our family too.
It is perfectly normal to them, and us too.
Your granddaughter will be excited!
A fine weight for the newcomer, too.
So, you are off shopping?
Why "presents" plural?
Are you adopting the maternity ward?
Still a fine day here, and I am heading out for fresh air.
10049 of 30765  -   Report This Post


5th October 2016, 13:58
Pat and Mike were walking along when they saw a sign "Tree fellers wanted". Pat says to Mike "Pity Seamus isn't with us".......

Apparently when Geordan Murphy was captain of Leicester Tigers and Bill Twelvetrees was playing for them, Murphy always addressed him as "tirty-six".
10050 of 30765  -   Report This Post