Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I think the correct title is "The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club"?
But I know nothing about the game.
My only knowledge of croquet is from "Alice in Wonderland"!
I think the croquet balls were live hedgehogs, and the mallets were live flamingos?
However, it is a popular pastime in New Zealand in the area where one of my friends lives.
She plays regularly in Club matches.
No tooth fairy, Rusty?
I remember getting sixpence per tooth!
I think the going rate is about £2 now?
Yes, my cousin for many years concentrated all his energies on Hogmanay!
We celebrated New year as well as Christmas when I lived in Lancashire.........but here in London, it is virtually ignored.
We have said this before ....it is not the same without Andy Stewart!
Hello, Pigale!
I had never heard of trot racing!
Small wonder that I couldn't do the Times clue!
it is cold and damp here...... I hope your weather is better?