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8th October 2016, 23:03
Hi Elle and Rusty

Rusty, trot racing is very popular in France too, though mostly with a sulky; there are races almost every day and people bet a lot on them - some are small bets, but there are some who are really hooked !
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8th October 2016, 23:15
Hello, Elle!
I'd have thought that you, being a keen watcher of tennis at Wimbledon, would know all about croquet, too?
Is Wimbledon not the headquarters of the croquet organisation?
Yes, Christmas is very popular nowadays, and I tolerate it, but I could do without it.
It somehow seems "foreign" to me.
It was not celebrated in my family circle when I was small.
(There was no Tooth Fairy either!)
New Year was our celebration.
Though nowadays that has changed and Christmas is the main celebration.
I approve of the charity cards, but there are so many different ones.
Not easy to choose one.
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9th October 2016, 00:00
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, I think the correct title is "The All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club"?
But I know nothing about the game.
My only knowledge of croquet is from "Alice in Wonderland"!
I think the croquet balls were live hedgehogs, and the mallets were live flamingos?
However, it is a popular pastime in New Zealand in the area where one of my friends lives.
She plays regularly in Club matches.
No tooth fairy, Rusty?
I remember getting sixpence per tooth!
I think the going rate is about £2 now?
Yes, my cousin for many years concentrated all his energies on Hogmanay!
We celebrated New year as well as Christmas when I lived in Lancashire.........but here in London, it is virtually ignored.
We have said this before is not the same without Andy Stewart!

Hello, Pigale!
I had never heard of trot racing!
Small wonder that I couldn't do the Times clue!
it is cold and damp here...... I hope your weather is better?
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9th October 2016, 09:23
Good morning, Pigale!
I did not know about the French trotting.
I do watch the major French horse races like the Prix du Jockey Club etc.,... and I like Criquette Head.
Her horses are worth keeping an eye on!
Apparently there are some trotting races in England and Wales, but I did not know.

Good morning, Elle,
I do not know the tale of Alice in Wonderland, just very sketchily.
There was no Tooth Fairy in my neck of the woods!
Yes, Hogmanay was the great thing here.
Andy Stewart was the man!
And the White Heather Club dancers.
Seems like it was a million years ago!
Well, a fine morning here.
Are you ready for your trek on your scooter?
Hope you have dry weather for it!
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9th October 2016, 10:01
Good Morning Rusty and Elle,

One of the major event in sulky-trotting races is Le Grand Prix d'Amerique.
Mounted trotting races do exist here as well but are not so well known, nor are they so numerous.
A horse racing in sulky-trotting is beautiful to watch.
You could watch every day the TIERCE (and quarte and quinte) and most times you would see a sulky-trotting race; it takes place any time between 2.30 and 4pm (usually though there are some nocturnal races)
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9th October 2016, 10:06
Good morning, Rusty!
We have a beautiful morning here, too!
Blue skies and lovely sunshine! None too warm but that is a minor matter!
I have already done - and parsed! - the Everyman crossword!
Yes, we are all set for meeting up with the family.
We are about to leave very shortly.
I hope you have a nice day.
Catch up with you later.......
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9th October 2016, 17:01
Good afternoon, Rusty!
We are at home!
Unfortunately, the initial lovely day degenerated into a very dismal one.
It hasn't rained but the day began with such promise.....and turned out very disappointing!
Still, it is always lovely to meet up and have a family get together, so that aspect was good!
How about you?
Have you had a good day?
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9th October 2016, 18:04
Hello, Pigale!
I have just been investigating sulky- trotting races and looking at some pictures!
Previously, I did not know what you meant!
It looks a fascinating sport?
I hope you having a good weekend?
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9th October 2016, 19:18
Good evening, Elle!
I did not cross the moat today.
Just stayed home.
Glad you had a nice time.
Emma Pooley has fired into Brailsford and Team Sky!
I am glad to say!
She told them that on the day this "medical package" arrived at Team Sky in France, she was losing her yellow jersey in a downpour on a dodgy descent in Spain.
Hundreds of miles away from this dodgy "medical package"!
And she was home in Manchester the same night and has her flight numbers etc from her trip. She was nowhere near France.
And, in what I think is a veiled dig at another rider, said she is very pleased to be woken up in the early hours by the testers, as "they do not test s**t riders."
I like Emma!
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9th October 2016, 19:56
Hi, Rusty!
Ah yes, the moat.... .....I hope you are remembering to feed the piranhas?
Good for Emma!
I am glad that she is feisty and able to stand up for herself!
And hundreds of people must be able to vouch for her presence in Spain, so she cannot be "dragged" into this scandal, surely?
And the flight numbers to Manchester themselves are "evidence"!
What a to-do!
Well, Andy Murray did well today, beating Dimitrov, to win the China Open!
A pity that Jo Konta couldn't hold off Agnieszka Radwanska - I gather that Radwanska won easily?
A double victory would have been nice for GB!
Were you able to watch the matches, by any chance?
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