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6th October 2016, 15:25
Apparently knot can be a collective term for toads

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6th October 2016, 15:26
Thanks both - I thought I was quite good on collective nouns, but that one was completely new to me!
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6th October 2016, 15:31
You're welcome, ChrisE. It was new to me too. I saw 'Knot' under 'Toad' in Bradford's this morning, so stuck my answer in. I investigated, did some research (ie clicked Wiki!) only when Elle mentioned the clue.
10073 of 30765  -   Report This Post


6th October 2016, 15:36
It was new to me too - just guessed that it might be the connection
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6th October 2016, 15:37
Thanks, guys, for explanation of "toad"!
I would never have got that!

No I don't need the other answer, Chris, thank you....I have got it!
amaranth = bloom (def)
amah - nurse
rant - tirade

I was nearly there.......just gave up too soon, didn't I?
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6th October 2016, 15:42
Well done, elle - I don't think I would have seen it so quickly without your "rant" (not literally, of course!)
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6th October 2016, 16:46
Hello, Elle!
Glad you had a nice day out!
Like you, and others, I presumed "toad" without understanding why.
I knew fox/tod but that was all.
Then saw Anne Bradford had "knot" under "toad" and knew I was on the right lines. Not in my Chambers though.
(I think I have read that The Times use Collins Dictionary.)
"Ama rant h" was was a good clue, but I had just a hazy idea it was a bloom.
We live and learn!
You are doing very well at the cryptics.
More power to your elbow!
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6th October 2016, 16:55
Elle, I have never heard of Denton!
Good clue got me there, though!
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6th October 2016, 18:21
Hi, Rusty!
Yes, a good day all round!
And to finish (well, virtually) the Times crossword was the icing on the cake!
I especially liked 3d; 5a; 9a; and 18a.
What did you think?
And guess what!
"Chesapeake" came today!
That was very quick, when they had given me the 18th October as the arrival date!!
The copy is in less "good nick" than the secondhand books usually are, but then it was classified as "good" - whereas normally I have been lucky enough to get the books in "very good" or "as new" condition.
It is clean though - just a little worn - so will be okay.
I forgot to ask after your car?
Did you sort out the peculiar "purring" sound in the exhaust system?
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6th October 2016, 20:54
Good evening, Elle!
I do not have my paper now to look at the clues!
Good news about Chesapeake!
Hope it appeals to you!
Is there a goose on the front cover?
"Good" is fine I have found.
The purr is a leaking part of the exhaust system.
My motor is booked in for MOT in 3 weeks, so I am going to try and make it last until then.
I do not often use my car.
Can easily manage without it.
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