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qfc quiz 7 squizball 25th February 2010, 15:20
» by famous5
Birds 7 paul 25th February 2010, 13:49
» by paul
LOCAL CRYPTIC 1 sue 25th February 2010, 13:37
» by pooksahib
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 10 pooksahib 25th February 2010, 13:33
» by pooksahib
ST 4369 24a 5 paul 25th February 2010, 13:17
» by paul
cryptic 5 aimz 24th February 2010, 22:28
» by bullfrog
more help 3 aimz 24th February 2010, 22:26
» by aimz
Devastates 2 twink 24th February 2010, 22:21
» by twink
QfC anagram 2 peas 24th February 2010, 21:00
» by peas
Creatures great and small 4 simone 24th February 2010, 17:45
» by simone
d.mail 2 geedee 24th February 2010, 16:57
» by geedee
rte9 last one 6 mamie 24th February 2010, 14:27
» by mamie
Am I going senile? 3 midway32 24th February 2010, 11:38
» by midway32
QfC dingbats 9 jaywhybee 24th February 2010, 11:30
» by mazie
Jumbo 859 3 susiq 24th February 2010, 10:21
» by mazie
Heage Mixed Bag Quiz, Heage Village Hall 33 famous5 24th February 2010, 09:04
» by janome
TLS 821 27a Rare poet identified with every man(9) Does the print version require a two word answer, ie (3,6)? 0 mh 24th February 2010, 04:05
» by mh
lost with these 2 27 chloe 24th February 2010, 00:19
» by mamya
Wee Stinker 2 andy 23rd February 2010, 23:32
» by ixion
RTE C/W No; 9 2 rufina stephenson 23rd February 2010, 23:12
» by sammie
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