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wee stinker 4 billb 1st March 2010, 11:43
» by les
wee stinker 2 norm 1st March 2010, 11:25
» by norm
wee stinker 2 big red 1st March 2010, 11:02
» by big red
Independent 7291 5 sudokulover 1st March 2010, 10:58
» by sudokulover
Spectator 1953 18 sodokulover 1st March 2010, 10:56
» by verycross
39a 0 verycross 1st March 2010, 10:19
» by verycross
Times Jumbo 860/27th Feb. 2 elizabeth 1st March 2010, 08:10
» by elizabeth
Jumbo 860 2 susiq 1st March 2010, 05:24
» by susiq
Mephisto 2583 2 mamya 1st March 2010, 00:20
» by mamya
Mephisto 2583 6a. Master no longer maintaining one medium plays with emotion(5) M?MES 6 mh 1st March 2010, 00:07
» by jdovengloves
Mephisto 2583 2 mh 28th February 2010, 22:47
» by jdovengloves
Times Jumbo 860 5 fraser 28th February 2010, 22:17
» by fraser
Telegraph quick 1 pauline 28th February 2010, 21:53
» by bullfrog
Saturday Times 24,472 4 paul 28th February 2010, 21:24
» by paul
toy or game 1 jaybe 28th February 2010, 20:34
» by aljanon
anagrams 3 jerry 28th February 2010, 20:34
» by jerry
SWE Post Cryptic Crossword 11 colin (swansea jack) 28th February 2010, 19:48
» by colin (swansea jack)
st4370 7 trevor 28th February 2010, 19:44
» by trevor
Jumbo 860 T2 10d, 33d, 44a 5 jane 28th February 2010, 19:17
» by jane
Saga March 2010 1 duncan 28th February 2010, 18:15
» by silly boy
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