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daily record 6 issy 28th February 2010, 17:49
» by les
Guardian cryptic no 24945 4 david 28th February 2010, 17:48
» by david
scot sunday mail £100 crossword 1 colin squance 28th February 2010, 17:38
» by ixion
what did prospero say?its not in his epilogue 1 m.o.m.o. 28th February 2010, 17:36
» by ajh
Times Cryptic 860 4 annieb 28th February 2010, 17:29
» by sb
cryptic 860 2 janice 28th February 2010, 17:21
» by janice
Sat times 24.472 1 roger 28th February 2010, 17:13
» by aljanon
Scot Sunday Mail 2 emma lou 28th February 2010, 16:13
» by rl
SCOT SUNDAY MAIL 10 emma lou 28th February 2010, 15:22
» by bullfrog
Times Jumbo Cryptic 860 6 diana 28th February 2010, 15:15
» by diana
daily record 27/2/10 2 emma 28th February 2010, 15:12
» by emma
DT 26175 25d 6 jaycee 28th February 2010, 14:54
» by jaycee
50D Medieval guild of merchants 2 gk crossword saturday 27/2 28th February 2010, 14:30
» by terry
local cryptic crossword 3 mollie 28th February 2010, 14:25
» by mollie
Sun Times 4370 4 julie, aberdeen 28th February 2010, 14:17
» by julie aberdeen
ST4370 3 nearly finished 28th February 2010, 13:58
» by nearly finished
Belfast Telegraph 6 barns 28th February 2010, 13:07
» by barns
Sat Daily Record 2 millie 28th February 2010, 13:03
» by millie
Cryptic Teaser 12 meerkat 28th February 2010, 12:39
» by meerkat
Trees 4 poppykins 28th February 2010, 12:24
» by johnt
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