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times 860 6 rosie 27th February 2010, 22:21
» by rosie
Times jumbo 860 1 susiq 27th February 2010, 21:51
» by rosie
Flying High Quiz 2 mags1 27th February 2010, 21:39
» by mags1
DT 26,175 2 sandy 27th February 2010, 21:19
» by sandy
Places and Sights of London 13 dean 27th February 2010, 21:07
» by andy
Crossword 686. One missing answer 7 dorothy 27th February 2010, 20:56
» by suziem
Irish News crossword 4 luckyone 27th February 2010, 20:53
» by luckyone
Seaside places 6 quizbuff 27th February 2010, 19:46
» by quizuff
stuck 1 elaine 27th February 2010, 18:25
» by mamya
DT 26175 2dn 2 gordonbenne 27th February 2010, 17:41
» by gordonbennet
The Generalist 13 silly boy 27th February 2010, 17:33
» by april
Times Cryptic Jumbo 860 6 tornface 27th February 2010, 17:31
» by ixion
Herald GK crossword. Sat. 27th. Feb. 1 isobel henderson 27th February 2010, 17:21
» by anniec
SATURDAY DAILY RECORD 3 babs 27th February 2010, 15:28
» by babs
chocolates and sweets 11 billie 27th February 2010, 15:24
» by billie
Link words - Parts of the body - local quiz 4 ejay 27th February 2010, 15:10
» by bullfrog
Last Clue 1 yorkie 27th February 2010, 14:49
» by chrisg
sat daily record big1 2 lucifer sam 27th February 2010, 14:43
» by lucifer sam
DT 9A 1 buzzby 27th February 2010, 13:21
» by les
Help Please 1 dawn 27th February 2010, 13:18
» by les
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