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Sat Times cryptic 859 4 kate 23rd February 2010, 10:59
» by andy
Sunday Times 859 2 val franklin 22nd February 2010, 23:35
» by jdovengloves
Times859 0 val franklin 22nd February 2010, 23:13
» by val franklin
last clue on biscuit quiz 2 sej 22nd February 2010, 22:23
» by ixion
totally stuck! 2 mail on sunday 1425 22nd February 2010, 21:45
» by jdovengloves
Big Monday crossword 2 dawn 22nd February 2010, 21:02
» by abc
times 859 - 2, 3, 4d and 16a 9 nick 22nd February 2010, 20:18
» by nick
Times 859 cryptic 3 janice 22nd February 2010, 20:03
» by janice
The Week Crossword 685 14 marnie 22nd February 2010, 19:51
» by julia
Times 859 last stumpers 6 sb 22nd February 2010, 19:44
» by sb
DAILYPOST CRYPTIC 8 sue 22nd February 2010, 19:37
» by starry
rte giude c/w 9 7 sammie 22nd February 2010, 19:16
» by sammie
cryptic 3 aimz 22nd February 2010, 19:13
» by les
daily record crosword feb 20th 2 anna 22nd February 2010, 19:02
» by millie
House and home Quiz 6 mostyn 22nd February 2010, 18:42
» by mostyn
Crossword 13316 (FT) 3 silly boy 22nd February 2010, 16:37
» by silly boy
Guardian 24,939 39 joan 22nd February 2010, 16:28
» by martyn
Saturday Times Jumbo No 859 3 patrick 22nd February 2010, 16:05
» by silly boy
SATURDAY TIMES JUMBO 859 4 aud 22nd February 2010, 15:32
» by aud
Birds 7 simone 22nd February 2010, 15:27
» by simone
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