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rivers that flow into the english channel 4 esmeralda 5th March 2010, 15:19
» by colin (swansea jack)
doubles 3 esmeralda 5th March 2010, 14:39
» by esmeralda
creatures great and small 12 janome 5th March 2010, 13:16
» by terry
Relates to an animal 5 gary 5th March 2010, 13:08
» by colin (swansea jack)
Guardian 24,945 66 phil 4th March 2010, 23:10
» by bullfrog
Times 24469 Feb 24 2 paul 4th March 2010, 22:19
» by andy
Times 24472 5 magmac 4th March 2010, 22:07
» by jimc
ST4370 14 rob 4th March 2010, 21:23
» by cruciverbalist
posting hints ...... on a new thread ! 3 up 4th March 2010, 20:50
» by john (from arran)
ST4370 4 les40 4th March 2010, 19:41
» by terry
help 9 joanne smith 4th March 2010, 17:28
» by trevor
christmas quiz! 8 dairybox 4th March 2010, 16:19
» by famous5
ST4370 7 ned 4th March 2010, 14:38
» by chrisg
The Week 686 2 jane 4th March 2010, 14:03
» by jane
Spectator 1954 7 sudokulover 4th March 2010, 13:38
» by silly boy
The Week 686 2 julia 4th March 2010, 13:38
» by julia
The answer relates to an animal 4 gary 4th March 2010, 13:27
» by gary
RTE Guide Crossword No 10 1 info 4th March 2010, 13:16
» by aljanon
Only Connect online 5 bullfrog 4th March 2010, 10:54
» by quarriers
link words 5 chuckle 4th March 2010, 09:59
» by quarriers
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