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daily record crossword 1 james 7th March 2010, 00:00
» by sudokulover
carnt finish crossword one to find 2 liz 6th March 2010, 23:32
» by liz
Ditloid 1 jerry 6th March 2010, 23:22
» by sudokulover
Times 24478 3 bella 6th March 2010, 23:15
» by bella
Herald General Knowledge 2 gordibhoy 6th March 2010, 23:03
» by gordibhoy
Daily Record Crossword 3 donna 6th March 2010, 22:17
» by katrina
jumbo, Times 2, no.841 1 jane 6th March 2010, 19:19
» by terry
Times Cryptic Jumbo 861 5 tornface 6th March 2010, 19:13
» by verbatim
Times Cryptic Jumbo 861 7 tornface 6th March 2010, 18:54
» by trevor
Belfast Telegraph/Irish News 5 luckyone 6th March 2010, 18:43
» by ixion
Scotsman no.2864 2 georgeg 6th March 2010, 16:24
» by georgeg
General Knowledge 6 simone 6th March 2010, 15:38
» by simone
local crossword 4 emma 6th March 2010, 14:57
» by emma
Clothes past & present 8 guardian 6th March 2010, 14:07
» by guardian
Times Cryptic Jumbo 861 3 diana 6th March 2010, 13:49
» by diana
RTE guide no 9 6 helbar 6th March 2010, 11:23
» by helbar
Everyman 4 tonta 6th March 2010, 10:48
» by tonta
canberra times cryptic 8 poppy 6th March 2010, 05:03
» by the joker
please help stuck on these 3 lolly 5th March 2010, 19:55
» by lolly
Times 24,477 12 denny 5th March 2010, 16:17
» by denny
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