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TLS824 22a Base knight who lost his garter(8) F?S???F? 5 mh 14th March 2010, 12:40
» by famous5
Cryptic clue 3 condlin 14th March 2010, 12:34
» by chrisg
Times jumbo 862 6 susiq 14th March 2010, 12:30
» by susiq
TELEGRAPH 13th MARCH 7 pippa 14th March 2010, 12:03
» by pippa rowe
Belfast Telegraph 3 barns 14th March 2010, 12:01
» by barns
Times jumbo 862 Cryptic 3 bluemoon2 14th March 2010, 11:22
» by bluemoon2
Sun.Express Crusader 1 sally 14th March 2010, 11:17
» by sally
Everyman 3,311 2 sylvie 14th March 2010, 10:59
» by sy
We Have Wheels 5 daniel 14th March 2010, 10:38
» by jonty
That Sunday Express Skeleton again !! 4 alan 14th March 2010, 09:47
» by alan
Times 24484 4 d 2 the riddler 14th March 2010, 09:22
» by the riddler
The Week 688 2 julia 14th March 2010, 08:30
» by julia
Local Paper 1 yorkie 14th March 2010, 00:32
» by fred
last one daily record 13/3/10 1 catherine 14th March 2010, 00:27
» by john (from arran)
times 24.484.5d. 5 ron. 13th March 2010, 23:54
» by ron
Help Please 1 alice 13th March 2010, 23:49
» by big dave
RTE Guide C/W No; 11 2 rufina stephenson 13th March 2010, 23:45
» by big dave
Times jumbo 862 2 steve 13th March 2010, 23:44
» by steve
climate and weather terms 5 jerry 13th March 2010, 23:32
» by jerry
Last Clue 2 dave 13th March 2010, 22:58
» by andy
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