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sights & places of London 4 jaybe 12th March 2010, 11:57
» by jaybe
cryptic mail 13637 3 chris mc 12th March 2010, 09:51
» by chris mc
Crossword #154 - Help Please 10d 3 brian 12th March 2010, 05:27
» by brian
jumbo 861 6 March 2010 2 margaret 11th March 2010, 23:56
» by margaret
Ev 905 management 1 laura 11th March 2010, 23:42
» by sudokulover
We have wheels 2 freddo 11th March 2010, 17:03
» by freddo
Times 2 Jumbo 861 7 firefly 11th March 2010, 16:56
» by firefly
Times Crossword Jumbo 861 8 selwyn 11th March 2010, 16:51
» by terry
Enigmatic Variations 905 0 puzzledposter 11th March 2010, 16:05
» by puzzledposter
TLS crossword clue 7 Down 4 rony 11th March 2010, 14:48
» by rony
yesterday times 2 alan 11th March 2010, 11:47
» by alan
tues fun day 2 caz 11th March 2010, 10:55
» by lucifer sam
Heage Quiz 2 wazza 11th March 2010, 09:24
» by wazza
cryptic again 2 daavid 11th March 2010, 01:28
» by bullfrog
sunday times crossword 4371 11 roy s. 10th March 2010, 23:48
» by mamya
wee Stinker 6 jinty 10th March 2010, 21:53
» by bluemoon2
cryptic 3 daavid 10th March 2010, 21:44
» by mamya
Tues. Daily Record 3 millie 10th March 2010, 21:34
» by rosecart
North Yorks News Crossword 3 paul 10th March 2010, 21:27
» by rosecart
The Week 687 3 jacko 10th March 2010, 20:41
» by jacko
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