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times862 3 pud 13th March 2010, 14:47
» by pud
cryptic 4 zed 13th March 2010, 14:25
» by zed
sun crossword 4 mrs h 13th March 2010, 14:19
» by mrs h
cryptic 6 zed 13th March 2010, 14:00
» by zed
Times Saturday 24484 5 janie 13th March 2010, 13:29
» by henry
sun crossword 4 mike 13th March 2010, 13:00
» by mike
Canberra Times Cryptic,,,,new problems! 3 poppy 13th March 2010, 09:12
» by jimc
canberra times cryptic 4 poppy 13th March 2010, 04:47
» by poppy
RTE C/W No; 11 Thanks for the help. Rufina 1 rufina stephenson 13th March 2010, 00:21
» by sammi
washington lady 2 bob w 12th March 2010, 22:26
» by bob w
connecting words 5 jerry 12th March 2010, 20:35
» by jerry
beegee rte 11 7 down 1 mamie 12th March 2010, 19:04
» by frannie
last one rte 11 2 mamie 12th March 2010, 19:02
» by mamie
RTE GUIDE No 11 11 beegee 12th March 2010, 18:55
» by mamie
a plant or flower 3 jerry 12th March 2010, 16:04
» by jerry
stuck again 3 old tom 12th March 2010, 16:03
» by bullfrog
Things that travel through the air 3 jerry 12th March 2010, 15:12
» by jerry
Oddbods and Starlight quizzes 0 oddboddy 12th March 2010, 14:27
» by oddboddy
stuck 2 old tom 12th March 2010, 14:02
» by old tom
RT 11 croissword not friends reunited 3 alan 12th March 2010, 13:23
» by alan
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