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The Sun two speed crossword 12th April 1 nickie 12th April 2010, 21:36
» by 5ive gears in reverse
ST 4376 2 blown it 12th April 2010, 21:09
» by blown it skeleton 1 jo pedrette 12th April 2010, 20:44
» by sudokulover
Times jumbo 866 5 susieq 12th April 2010, 19:45
» by susiq
wee stinker 4 dantheman 12th April 2010, 19:12
» by dantheman
"Stuck" 1 rob 12th April 2010, 19:07
» by ixion
wee stinker 4 teenieleek 12th April 2010, 17:22
» by millder
rte crossword 15 9 sammi 12th April 2010, 16:48
» by tom
Games 7 ben e 12th April 2010, 16:45
» by tom
mos lancelot 5 krisstoff 12th April 2010, 16:21
» by andy
everyman 3315 2 kingtwiglet 12th April 2010, 15:09
» by ixion
Macmillan Rhyme quiz 11 geert 12th April 2010, 15:04
» by geert
games & sports 1 esmeralda 12th April 2010, 14:44
» by sarumite
Independent 4 maryjane 12th April 2010, 13:05
» by maryjane
wee stinker 5 billb 12th April 2010, 13:04
» by billb
wee stinker 1 flummoxed 12th April 2010, 13:03
» by billb
Daily Mail answers where the logic escapes me 1 pooksahib 12th April 2010, 12:58
» by ixion
54 across West coast 2 record £500 10th april 12th April 2010, 12:23
» by babs
Sat Big £500 crossword 3 joe 90 12th April 2010, 11:17
» by joe 90
can't get this last one 2 thickie 12th April 2010, 10:55
» by simong
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