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sunday times 4377 2 yolande 18th April 2010, 11:45
» by yolande
times2 867 8 muppet 18th April 2010, 11:33
» by muppet
sunday times 4377 2 nancy 18th April 2010, 11:32
» by nancy
TLS829 21a 4 mh 18th April 2010, 11:18
» by mh
rte guide no 16 5 helbar 18th April 2010, 10:48
» by ajt
TLS 829 2 kiwisolver 18th April 2010, 10:01
» by kiwisolver
times jumbo 867 2 gary 18th April 2010, 09:55
» by gary
times 867 3 des 18th April 2010, 09:16
» by des
Place names 8 daniel 18th April 2010, 03:07
» by kookaburra
Times Jumbo 867 Cryptic 7 bluemoon2 18th April 2010, 00:09
» by pedant
DT 26,217 5 jan 17th April 2010, 23:14
» by jan
DT 26,217 2 sandy 17th April 2010, 23:04
» by sandy
Times Jumbo 866 1 down 5 malcolm xsn53 17th April 2010, 20:55
» by susiq
times Jumbo Crossword no 867 Cryptic clues 3 sallyw 17th April 2010, 20:49
» by sallyw
times Jumbo Crossword no 867 Cryptic clues 3 sallyw 17th April 2010, 20:34
» by sallyw
3 different quizes 7 croeso 17th April 2010, 19:47
» by croeso
Times jumbo 867 2 susiq 17th April 2010, 19:29
» by susiq
Glasgow Herald GK crossword 4 jaybee 17th April 2010, 17:36
» by mamya
Times2 Jumbo 867 3 sheila blanning 17th April 2010, 16:59
» by sheila blanning
RTE 16 2 cazzy 17th April 2010, 15:29
» by cazzy
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